The person kept answering the question SHE wanted to answer, repeating, "We/Panasonic don't provide CODES."
We went around and around, is it the T.V. button or the CABLE button. She kept saying there had to be a CABLE remote, that Panasonic remotes don't control CABLE output. After the umpteenth time, I pointed out she is "answering" HER question, not mine, so if the remote doesn't control CABLE, what is the CABLE button on the remote FOR?
She had to go ask somebody and came back to say that she had to correct herself, that what the CABLE BUTTON was for was that we are actually programming THE REMOTE. Therefore, it is the CABLE button to Select. Then it is the CODE for the REMOTE's brand, that is entered.
By the time we got to the end of this clenched exchange we were laughing. She started to give me a case # and I said, "I don't think we want to reopen this case," and then she asked whether I wanted to participate in a survey, and I said the same don't-think thing and we cracked up.
So: I'm going to press the CABLE button on the Panasonic remote and then enter the code for PANASONIC.
I don't have confidence in these answers but will try them. Perhaps somebody here will confirm or correct.