The movie "Salt" blew up my speaker
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Fri Jan-14-11 05:47 PM
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The movie "Salt" blew up my speaker |
Now I need to replace the 10" woofer.
Any clue what I need to know, where to get a replacement, what kind has ok sound?
The manufacturer no longer makes the 10" speaker or the replacement cones.
Maybe I need to watch quieter movies.
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Fri Jan-14-11 09:21 PM
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Provided either one makes a 10" woofer, you cannot go wrong. If they don't make what you need, look at Peavey.
I also recommend the Grateful Dead Headroom Principle: buy twice the power capability that you need in your wildest dreams and turn it up halfway.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:36 AM
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