I had dream about Uran/Uranit last night and did a bit of googling and found some interesting suff.
It glows under UV light
I am often asked “is uranium glass safe?” The short answer is “probably yes” but it needs qualification. First of all nothing is absolutely safe in this life; there is always an element of risk in whatever we do. So long as we are alive we are vulnerable; it is a fact of nature. Only if by the term safe we mean as safe as all the other risks we willingly accept in every day life, such as driving a car, flying in an aeroplane, travelling on a train, eating an orange etc., is the answer “yes”. In terms of absolute safety there may be some very small risk. It is not possible to be sure because scientists are not unanimous about the effects of radiation at very low levels. Some, and it is the official view, say that with all radiation there is a risk of biological damage, which could lead to a cancer. A minority take a different view and point to a substantial amount of evidence, which suggests that a very low dose of radiation may have net beneficial health effects. The only thing we can be sure about is that, if there is a risk, it is a very small one. At the levels of uranium that I have found, with possibly one exception, the risk is probably so small as to be undetectable. The exception is with items where the uranium con-tent is several % by weight and the item, perhaps a piece of jewellery, is likely to be in contact with the skin for (say) 20 hours per week, throughout the year. In this case the radiation dose to the skin could exceed the current control levels, but not by a lot!