Back in the 1980s, I was the oboist for a semi-professional woodwind quintet/quartet in California. We played a lot of weddings and wedding receptions, parties, concerts, and the like around our area. Over the years, I've lost touch with the people in the group, and none of them are on Facebook or other social media. I've given up playing the oboe due to my blood pressure, which is aggravated by playing that instrument.
There's really no record of the group anywhere on the interwebs, and that was frustrating. I had no photos or any other material from those days. All was tossed when my wife and I moved to Minnesota and we were tossing lots of stuff.
Yesterday, though, my wife was helping her mom sort through some boxes, trying to get her stuff organized. She found one of the T-shirts the group had made to give to friends and wedding clients. I had forgotten that she sent one to her mom at the time, and it had disappeared into a box. The image on the T-shirt was sketched by an artist at one of our concerts, and he had graciously allowed us to use it on our cards and those T-shirts. We only had 6 dozen T-shirts made, and I thought they were all gone.
So, now I have an image I can use to document the group on the Internet. Now, when someone happens to search for the group that played at their wedding or some other event, they'll find something. Here we are: