Just thought I'd check in and say howdy.
I'm down near Louisville, Kentucky going through the orientation for my new job. I passed the physical and the drug test and the driving test and the background check and the anal probe. I signed the contract. They found a few minor problems with my truck that they want fixed and I was expecting that. If you go through a truck that has 450,000 miles on it with a fine tooth comb you will probably find at least a few minor boo-boos even if the truck is well cared for like mine. I had to consent to having my truck inspected every 90 days in the company shop even though it's only required by federal law to be done once a year. That's the only real gripe I have about the place, but it's not that big of a deal. This appears to be a good company.
There are a few more things to go over tomorrow for orientation and I have to get my truck set up. Hopefully, I'll be on the road by tomorrow evening.
A lot of people who try to go into business for themselves in trucking fail. I understood to a certain extent why that is and after talking to my orientation classmates this week I think I totally understand it. Several of them are getting into it without even the simplest understanding of business and some without even a good understanding of trucking. Unless they start studying up quickly they are probably doomed to failure, and probably in short order. But if I tried to tell them that I'm sure that they would try to assure me that they are infallible. They say that experience is the best teacher. It's the hard way to learn, but I guess we all go through it.