Not a very lounge-y question, but I have a question about green cards and social security
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Thu Jan-27-11 12:20 AM
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Not a very lounge-y question, but I have a question about green cards and social security |
I have a good friend who has lived here for over 15 years (she's European); she is married to a U.S. citizen. He is in his 80s and was just diagnosed with colon cancer; she has never become a citizen but has a green card.
My question is, for anyone who knows, will she be able to collect his Social Security upon his death? Will she have any issues living here permanently after his death? I've been pushing her to get her citizenship for years and she hasn't been able to (her husband hasn't made it easy for her to be independent).
Thanks for any input. :hi:
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Thu Jan-27-11 01:50 AM
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I'll get you an answer if I can.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 12:27 AM
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