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I'm really liking MP3 downloads it's ALMOST perfect!

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LynneSin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-11 12:02 PM
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I'm really liking MP3 downloads it's ALMOST perfect!
I've got a massive music collection with my Itunes/Ipod setup. Recently I tried out's MP3 offerings and found it to be much better than Itunes at least pricewise.

Each month Amazon offers 100s of albums for $5 including many current releases.

Each day they offer one album for $3.99, found some interesting pickups.

They also have a massive collection of free album downloads. More obscure stuff and new artists trying to get their name out there. Some of them are album label collections, but I've found some good stuff there too.

My one beef with their service:

Do not try to download more than one album at a time and make sure you see that it completes before walking away from your computer (most downloads, with a good internet connection, take about 5 minutes to download and copy into ITunes). Twice now I've lost connection and when I've tried to complete the download I find that the transfer period has expired. And unlike Itunes, I can't redownload the album. You have to call Amazon support to get it fixed and it was a long & painful experience. I did that the first time it happened, second time I just said 'Screw it' since it was a $3.99 download I had bought. Now I just sit there and wait for everything to download to ensure it's done.
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some guy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-11 01:24 PM
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1. I wish you continued good luck
and hope you don't have to find out what happens when you lose your download connection while you're watching. ( I don't know what happens then, it may not be bad, but it may be as bad as losing the connection when you're not watching. )
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