How can 'the war on terror' be won by terrorizing people.
Do you see the Orwellian words there.
I understand what they are doing. In the world of no care, or 'game playing'. A person does one thing consistently. No matter what happens, no matter what the information shows.
Their strategy is to declare victory and keep doing what they want to do, or keep saying what they want to believe.
They actually are not even justifying or defending torture,
they know there group looks bad if torture is not rationalized by any means, that is why they are defending torture, to try and justify there position, and by that make themselves look competent. Honestly the torture apologist don't care anything about the effects of torture. They care about not looking as bad as tortures look.
They only care about the effects of the showing that there ideas of torture are wrong.
It was wrong before, it is wrong now, it was ineffective then, it is ineffective now. It is wrong by thought and feeling, and wrong by result. However it is the only way they can defend there position, since they like it, and have to defend it to defend who they are.
Going to play a favorite song.
Give Me Strength by Over the Rhine