About a year ago, I turned off my satellite TV service. I live in the boonies so there is no broadcast TV here.
Life's better without TV. I don't feel like I've missed anything. If I really want some TV-style entertainment I can rent a movie. There's so much more time available to do the things I really enjoy.
And there is no constant influx of corporate propaganda for me to have to filter out.
When the Bush SOTU lies became big news I turned the satellite back on. After a week, I turned it back off. I'm just not a TV person anymore.
Well, with one small exception, having it back for a week reminded me of how good CSPAN is... if I weren't watching that day, I would never have known what really happened with the Capitol police that one day, it was totally unreported, at least the real story was not reported.
But having CSPAN was not a sufficient benefit to outweigh having that firehose of propaganda filling up my teacup of a brain.
So throw out your TV and learn an instrument or a language or paint a painting or write a poem or make love or go for a walk or play with your dog or your kids or visit a neighbor or meet a friend or make a friend or take a nap or do something else or nothing at all.
You won't regret it.