Is it Fair and Balanced to call Dems good and Repukes bad?
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:16 AM
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Is it Fair and Balanced to call Dems good and Repukes bad? |
Or is that giving too much credit to Repukes?
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:19 AM
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1. Yeah, gives too much credit to the pukes..... |
to make it more fair and balanced, let's just say:
DEMS are HUMAN; Repukes are INHUMAN
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:22 AM
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I know plenty of republicans that I like and respect. Talking in terms of black or white however, is a typical replublican trait. The world is far more complicated than that.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:26 AM
Response to Reply #2 |
So much for my levity post, I guess they don't play well amongst the hardcore.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:28 AM
Response to Reply #3 |
4. Sorry, didn't realise 'twas a joke. |
I'm about as hardcore as a banana.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:32 AM
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There are good Republicans just as there are bad Demoncrats. Admitting that both sides have good and bad within them is truly fair and balanced.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:46 AM
Response to Reply #5 |
6. Interesting terminology there DP. |
Demoncrats? You're the second 1000+ poster to defend the Repukes in this thread. I guess this forum is more politically diverse that I thought it was.
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Fri Aug-15-03 08:01 AM
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I think it's just honest. So much of what Republicans do is reprehensible.
I have seen them commended here on DU for doing the right thing. If you're expecting total fairness - you're probably in the wrong place.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:57 AM
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