Birthday Wishes For Our Sffreeways August 15, 2003
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:37 AM
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Birthday Wishes For Our Sffreeways August 15, 2003 |
Thinking of You On Your Birthday
You have been missed here my DU friend many of us miss your wit, humor and intelligence to issues that effect us all.
And this pass year as been the most difficult for you the loss of your loving son can not be replaced but in your heart you know he wants you to celebrate your life and go on to enjoy each birthday passes that you bring your loving self to the world as you did here for all of us.
I'm lucky to have met you and many here feel the same. You gave so much to everyone of us even if you did not know. We hope and wait for the day you are able to return for the light will always be on!
I love you!
Now my friend on your Birthday
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:38 AM
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Mandate My Ass
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:42 AM
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2. You're in my thoughts today as always |
Happy birthday, sffreeways. I hope to see you again soon. :loveya:
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:48 AM
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3. I definitely miss her... |
She was such a great person, maybe someday she will return. :(
Lydia Leftcoast
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:05 AM
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4. May this year bring continued healing |
and new discoveries.
Happy Birthday!
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:39 AM
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5. Happy birthday, Sffreeways! |
I'm thinking of you right now.
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:46 AM
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for your birthday and a year of healing love and good friends. You are missed here.
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:48 AM
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Edited on Fri Aug-15-03 10:49 AM by ploppy
duplicate. Sorry
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:54 AM
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This past year has been so terrible for you
it has broken out hearts to see you so sad
I pray that you are able to find peace
Happy Birthday and Please know that we care
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:56 AM
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9. Happy Birthday, sffreeways |
Best Wishes on your special day.
The yrs of knowing 'you' have given me so much. You are truly a unique and wonderful soul,Cat.
Lotsa (((hugs))) and loving thoughts.
:loveya: :loveya: :loveya:
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Fri Aug-15-03 11:34 AM
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10. 'Missed' doesn't even cover it |
There is a huge space in the DU universe with your absence, sff. Few can fathom what you have been through, but know that we here love you and miss you and hold you in the light. Oh, and happy birthday!!!
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Fri Aug-15-03 12:21 PM
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11. Sffreeways was one of the first people to welcome me to DU. |
I miss her so much. ;( Happy Birthday, sweetie!
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Fri Aug-15-03 01:36 PM
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Fri Aug-15-03 03:28 PM
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13. Thinking of you sffreeways |
Many blessings and best wishes for all good things... ...for healing & :loveya: ...
Happy happy birthday !
((((((birthday hugs)))))))
Peace to you DR
Fridays Child
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Fri Aug-15-03 05:09 PM
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14. Happy birthday to one of the best and dearest. |
You're a DU treasure, and we miss you!
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Fri Aug-15-03 06:54 PM
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You are a beautiful person. Please know that you are held in our thoughts, in our hearts and in our prayers.
I miss your wit and your wisdom on DU but know that the healing process takes a very long time.
May you feel the comfort of being loved by your friends on this day.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:05 PM
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16. Happy Birthday Sffreeways |
a gentle spanking and a big (((HUG))))
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:05 PM
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17. Crew summed it up perfectly for me |
Hugs on your birthday and know that you are appreciated. :loveya:
Mz Pip
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:11 PM
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Wish you could be here for our Bay Area DUer picnic next week. We'd make it a birthday party for you as well. :hi:
MzPip :dem:
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:13 PM
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:19 PM
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:21 PM
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21. Happy Birthday Sffreeways |
You are missed - know that you are held close to the heart even when you are absent.
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Fri Aug-15-03 07:24 PM
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22. Happy Birthday..SF Freeways |
Us Mooses hope you have a happy day. Hugs...
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Fri Aug-15-03 11:40 PM
Response to Reply #22 |
23. Aloha and Happy B Day SF FREEways |
Come, we go eat, sing, smile, dream of better days
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Fri Aug-15-03 11:46 PM
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For my birthday-twin!
Still owing ya that drink if and when it ever happens we're in the same place!
SFfreeways - kicking Safeway ass since 2001!
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Fri Aug-15-03 11:47 PM
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25. Happy birthday, SFFreeways! |
I hope Crewleader's tribute, as well as this whole thread, has been sent to her.
Come back soon!
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Sat Aug-16-03 07:52 AM
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26. Happy birthday to one of DU's finest! |
Shalom and Matzel Tov friend!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:57 AM
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