I really, really hope this materializes. I always thought the series following TNG/DS9/Voyager should have gone further into the future rather than go back to pre-Kirk time like Enterprise. I feel the same way about the last ST movie, though that was light years better than the Enterprise series. Anyway, it appears I wasn't alone in that wish, and this new series may really happen:
Trevino: What is the time frame of your series?
Foster: The series is set in the post-Voyager era, and is designed to return Star Trek to its original series roots in big and mighty ways, without disregarding the other series and movies. As Star Trek (2009) was an alternate timeline, it will not conflict with any canon there either (Note: David does accept it as an "alternate canon", if you will). The co-creators are avid believers in Gene Roddenberry's 'positive view of the future' and intend to bring Star Trek back to its origins while moving forward with the timeline, integrating the best aspects of each of the previous series.
Trevino: What kind of show will it be?
Foster: The series is highly energized with a much younger cast, and uses cutting-edge future technologies with newly envisioned special effects and designs. It includes Klingons, Ferengi, Andorians, Vulcans, Trill, and many more. The Klingons are getting very restless since the Praxis incident forced them to come to the peace tables, and are tired of having to rely on the Federation for support. The Ferengi have discovered a vast new resource that has propelled them towards instant riches and power beyond anything they have previously experienced.