1960s High School - Sophomore English with Mr. Louie Knight at Athenian School
He had us write for homework each day a "15 minuter" - cursive writing for 15 minutes if just the alphabet over and over but better if we thought, to get and maintain an athletic writing ability (this was pre-pc). Each week we had to read and write a book report and be prepared for 5 minutes of class defense. The first semester he gave us writings from Mark Twain, Joseph Campbell, Mailer, Kerouac, JD Salinger, etc. and the second semester we could chose our own books. He had us make up a religion for a semester project.
I really liked studio art the same year but never took art again as I was a "Math and Science" oriented student (despite I found more pleasure in literature and the arts). When my parents were gone, I found a letter to my parents from art teacher Mr. Devivi talking about my talent and how he looked forward to me for two more years in studio design. I never again took an art class and did not read or know of the feedback to my parents for 30 years and after they both had passed on.
1970s Undergrad - Use of Soil Information in Land Use Planning with Dr McColl at UC Berkeley. The course was an elective at my degree as a BS in Forest Science; however, had I taken the 6 week soil summer field course rather than the 10 week Forestry summer camp, I could have filed for either Forest Science or Soil Science degrees. Second was Forest Ecology with Dr. Ed Stone.
1980s MBA - Strategic Marketing with Dr. Aaker just over Entrepreneurship taught by a team at UC Berkeley.
Strategic Marketing was an elective and a most useful course in content that gave a transcendent framework for thinking about commerce, Dr. Aacker once collapsed to the floor in the seminar back in 86-87 but I saw him recently on MSNBC as an expert in Branding. I am glad he is still alive and respected.
Entrepreneurship was a competitive entrance elective and I met and worked with famous people and made bad decisions for my heart and futire life. I went into corporate mgmt consulting, specifically due diligence and project development for timber industry transactions, mergers and acquisitions, wood waste energy, and policy or lobbying for public or private sector = lots of Wall Street and European Bank work. I was sucked in originally by Dr Ian McHarg (who was a tool to greed heads in his old age) and then intoxicated by what it meant when I called and visited industry -- they were for sale or there would likely be a major change in management. I collected WSJ Tombstones from the deals.
I was told to wear my best suit and come to the UC Faculty Club for drinks and discussion. I met with Dr McHarg, Dr Stewart (one of the profs of Entrepreneurship), a principal in a mgmt consultancy (that I would work for and quit when offered a partnership), and a Dane who was the CEO of a Danish company nationalized out of Sabah, Indonesia. They would pay me more to look at 50,000 to 300,000 acre tracts in a weekend than I made a month as a GS-11 Fed. I wrote the company business plan based upon a Master Limited Partnership structure (killed by 1989 tax reform) and went to work for the Wall Street mgmt consultant where I worked in forest industry, forest policy, appraisal, and alternative energy. Later one day I walked into the office and quit. I came from a humble beginning and considered forestry a misunderstood by design art and science-- to the degree that I would and could go purposely into the belly of the beast out of my idealism and had been cornered into what I perceived as corrupt.
My worst course as an MBA at Cal was MBA Macroeconomics taught by Janet Yellen that was in the Clinton WH and is now Vice Chair of the CEQ and former Chair o the San Francisco branch of the Federal Reserve.
I could survive comfortably but pointlessly when I quit. I had met a former OSU professor that was Deputy Secretary of Agriculture under GHWB and during the Northern Spotted Owl controversy (I made 3 presentations before Congressional committees over the Northern Spotted Owl paid for by the State of California and spoke my heart and and best technology and knowledge of the industry, ecology, and impacted communities).
1990s PhD - Advanced Forest Ecology with Dr. Newton. I was next employed as a lecturer in forest economics at OSU in large part because of Dr. Beuter (former OSU Prof and Deputy Secretary of Agriculture) and Dr. Stone and their faith in my mind and knowledge and idealism. Dr. Newton only wrote one text book about the use of herbicides in forestry but he was an ecologist His field ecology course had the goal of having one determine the past of forest stands or landscapes for a decade to several hundred years and predict the future over a similar time frame given actions and probabilities.
I quit the OSU job and PhD Natural Resource Economics PhD for family reasons. I needed to return to home in CA because my 86 year old father took ill and passed on. I was his contract hospice (with county hospice help) and Executor of what became a complex Estate because of corruption initiated by my BIL, who was a 30 year Chief of Police, Promise Keeper; and GOP. Said BIL never said a rude word to me in over 30 years until 15 minutes after my Dad passed on and hospice nurses and the mortuary left with Dad's body. My Dad warned me and I did not listen. That was 1996. I divorced my wife by my choice in 2000. Since 2003, I have been a mountain hippie and recluse in my rural and remote home town with chronic health problems.
My opportunities to obtain quality education essentially for free and my first choice every time I faced a life change was a tremendous gift. My family never understood my drive nor motivation nor talent. Now I find my education and wide experience a hindrance to keep to myself.
Excuse my melancholy please.