I will give you mine. (I've been known to give unsolicited advice, which I try real hard not to DO anymore - but - so, since you asked...) I'm the type of person who likes to get at the real root/truth of a problem. I guess, first off, I would ask, when you say: "We hit it off really well for about six months" - what was that like? (Never mind the ensuing family-related complications.) What was it about those initial six months? Was it a type of mutual thing? Do you think? What was it about those 6 months that made it so special?
If your sense is that it was pretty special...and that it was also felt to be pretty special from her as well, (and you can only know this for sure by asking her...) I guess this is where perhaps, there might be something authentic there to explore and expound upon just between the two of you, otherwise, it might take some harsh, critical thinking skills which needs to come into play.
I'm not going to go into some long-winded Freudian type of stuff here...for I believe that deep, down, deep, DEEP down, you pretty much already know the answers to your questions...though it probably might take a good bit of 'doing' on your part to kind of peel back those layers in order to expose the real truth.
Sometimes "relationships" (whether they 'fail' or 'succeed' - relative terms) are nothing more than an opportunity to learn more about ourselves. Specifically as we so ever try to align ourselves into a realm of unconditional love. First and foremost being the unconditional love we have for ourselves. (Poignant point, by the way).
After that, the cup just run-neth over...and that's really the bottom line. You don't want the responsibility of someone who is going to try to 'fill you' anymore than than you want to 'fill them'.
I don't think that's what it is all about....and movies such as "Jerry Maguire" which perpetuate such a sentimental notion as..."You Complete Me" is exactly where it belongs. In the movies. In a fictional realm. The fact is that WE COMPLETE OURSELVES...because only then can we FULLY and COMPLETELY have something meaningful to offer, without restrictions, without conditions or 'strings attached' and it would be my guess to connect with someone else who shares these values/traits just might have a good chance in advancing to the next level.
Unconditional love is really what throbs at the heart of it. There in no win-lose, no lose-win, only win-win when we relinquish expectations all the way around...and are comfortable with WHATEVER results either way. It's all good!