Yeah, yeah, reality TV sucks. Thank you for your insight and concern.
Brandon, Troll Russell Hantz' nephew, continues his jihad against Mikayla for tempting him too much by being an attractive female. Although mouthy Christine got sent to Redemption Island, Brandon certainly damaged his credibility with the tribe, and screwed up whatever strategy Coach had been working. Coach disclosed in Tribal Council that he had "heard" from some unidentified person (Brandon) that two tribe members wanted to vote out Mikayla, but didn't specify who told him that. When the two other tribe members denied saying that to anyone, and indeed that they didn't want to vote out Mikayla, Coach just let their denials hang in the air. Whatever he might have been planning (place a wedge to be used later, use the information against Brandon at some future time of his choosing or something else) got knocked into a cocked hat when Brandon's conscience got the better of him. From the broadcast, it appeared that Coach was not happy that Brandon fessed up.
Christine got voted off and headed to Redemption Island, but Coach's tribe is clearly a pretty fractured bunch, as no fewer than four people got votes. But it appears that Mikayla is safe for now, and since I have her in a pool, that's good news for me.