Edited on Sun Sep-25-11 01:13 PM by UTUSN
So DISH makes available some premium channels on a trial basis and these couple of weeks it’s been a few HBO/Cinemax, and I’ll finally see Bill MAHER a couple of times, plus a couple of movies for a movie-phobe like me, who never SITS and actually WATCHES t.v. but lets the political yak shows run as background noise. The only movie time for me is from about 11 P.M. to 1 or 2, and that only a couple or three times per year.
As for Sex and the City, the series, I have seen about a season’s worth of episodes in the daily re-runs, the way I never saw any series when it was in its live incarnation, and have now seen all of The Drew CAREY Show, Raymond, King of Queens, Golden Girls, a few/several Arrested Development, etc.
Through most of the episodes of the SATC series, I was basically charmed by SJP as contrasted starkly with “Samatha,” with the other two being nondescript blips. It wasn’t until the episode where Carrie spends the night with her married sex object at his MARRIED DIGS and nonchalantly lounges about in the morning after he’s gone to work when the wife arrives unexpectedly and the two women chase each other down stairs that I let the charm go bye-bye with the ugliness of the rampant amorality of the entire premise of the whole series being starkly undeniable, charm be damned.
Didn’t see the first movie and deferred to the Lounge fans of it who told the rest of us to butt out and let the fans have their pleasure, fine.
So last night at the appointed hour I chose to let SATC2 play as opposed to the heavier DEPP-DILLINGER deal.
First, a couple of peeves: Mainly, why do people with a hit franchise that is rooted in a concept think they should uproot the entire premise?!1 So this thing with a major thing being “THE CITY” is moved to Dubai, like when “Reno 911” went to Miami for THEIR movie. The other peeve is despicable movie music that drones on detached from the movie, just keeps going, not like GREAT movie music that is a true accompaniment, but let’s get on with this.
So, stepping into it here, my father and I lived with three strong women who had definite voices and say-so and I came to maturity in the ‘70s when Feminism was blooming and let’s just say that Hillary was not the first woman I actively supported in politics -- and driving home my point, my support of women was not BECAUSE they were women but for what they stood for. And all I can say is that, even here at this beloved internet discussion board, strong women are not exceptional, they are EQUAL, such that “deference” is not an issue.
So I didn’t pay much attention when it was said that SATC was a girl-thing. I *did* think it odd when I went to a Hillary rally that I seemed to attract some little negative attention for being an older male. I hadn’t gotten the memo that it was supposed to be for girls at a junior high pep rally.
Anyway, finally to SATC2, I was SHOCKED. The characters were CHEESY and materialistically RAPACIOUS and totally SUPERFICIAL, grasping at a boondoggle to Dubai, incredibly for NOTHING IN RETURN – REALLY?!1, completely low-consciousness about their expectations that THEIR cultural habits are enlightened and superior to those of other cultures, and feeling OUTRAGE about being arrested for strange laws in, oh-I-don’t-know, OTHER countries.
Besides all of which, the CHARM of SJP/Carrie seemed to be missing. She always found flaws in everybody and even everything but here she is just really unpleasant in her ugly dissatisfaction. Plus, among so many incredible things, there was Carrie's erstwhile philandering husband now being profoundly *moved* over her kissing an old boyfriend who himself incredibly appeared in Dubai.
********All of *that* said, I actually wondered whether there were some “deep” levels I was missing: I actually injected some DEPTH into it all, and I’m sure to be corrected. But just as the Carrie and Samantha characters have been played against each other only to have the, um, “veil” so to speak be torn aside to show them equally amoral, here we are with the absurd spectacle of these supposedly liberated women behaving like fools signing “I Am Woman” and flaunting their anatomical parts in the most dead-opposite hostile cultural setting imaginable. I harked back to an undergraduate class where one of those budding academic mascots asked, “Did SHAKESPEARE really *know* what he was doing, was he AWARE?!1” And the Teaching Assistant said with awe, “Oh, I think he was pretty aware!1”
Another smart bit was how Samantha was told the dress she wanted was "young" for her and she exploded, then later was embarrassed with Miley CYRUS wearing the same dress, aha self-deception exposed!1 All this to ask, did SJP and her co-creators KNOW there were kernels of DEEP contrast, Carrie-Smantha and City-Dubai?!1
Hookay, here: :hide: