Edited on Sat Nov-19-11 08:58 PM by MiddleFingerMom
. . . ...and traveled great distances over long periods of time in the family station wagon on his sales route. He also always had these fantastic gargantuan gardens (least favorite gardening chore -- weeding... most favorite -- pickin' fresh peas... "One for the bucket... two for me)." . Once, right before one of his sales trips, he ordered x number of yards of manure to be delivered to the house for his garden, having not a single clue how much a "yard" was going to be (or the fact that, in this instance, they were cubic yards). . MiddleFingerMom told me it was the closest she ever came to considering divorcing him. He got a cryptic, CHILLY call telling him to turn around and come home THIS VERY INSTANT AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU LOSE YOUR JOB OR NOT. . . . He came home to find that x number of yards of stinky ol' cowshit had taken two dumptrucks to deliver and construct the mountain under MiddleFingerMom's second-floor kitchen window. . . . MiddleFingerMomDad was a jerk, but in some ways... I am VERY much like him. . . .