It's been a while...
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Tue Nov-22-11 05:36 PM
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A few years at least. Hello DU...nice to see you again.
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Tue Nov-22-11 05:38 PM
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I wish I could remember you better.
Your name vaguely rings a bell though.
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Tue Nov-22-11 05:49 PM
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3. It has been at least 2 years, |
maybe info said 18 and I just turned 21. So ya, been a while :)
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Tue Nov-22-11 05:42 PM
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2. Nice to see you back here. |
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Tue Nov-22-11 05:59 PM
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4. I'm about a month away from my 2-year anniversary here (New Year's Eve)... |
Edited on Tue Nov-22-11 05:59 PM by MiddleFingerMom
. . . ... so we've never met nor even passed like those proverbial ships in the night, but your sig-line image makes me like you already. . . . Welcome back!!! . . . :hug: . . . Marriage indeed equals heart + heart. . . .
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Tue Nov-22-11 06:20 PM
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I posted that up as my..tagline...or whatever it is called when prop 8 was up here in Cali. Totally forgot about it these past years but very glad it remained.
Thanks for the warm welcome :hug:
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 06:37 PM
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