I don't have caller ID. There are a couple of reasons.
1. It comes with a monthly charge for the service. I try not to buy ANYTHING that has a monthly charge.
2. I've lived without it for 70 years. I don't mind not having it. I don't NEED to know who's calling before I pick up the phone. Look at it this way, every phone call I get is a new adventure. A surprise. "Wonder who that is?" Many times I'm pleasantly surprised. Sometimes not.
If it's a telemarketer, I just hang up. I don't talk to them or make excuses for why I don't need what they're selling. I. Just. Hang. Up. And they've NEVER called back to ask why I hung up on them. They just go to the next guy on their list. I certainly don't feel any guilt about hanging up and they don't care.
Miz t. doesn't. Bless her heart, she's a softy. She'll listen and then explain that we're perfectly happy with the insurance plan/home security system/whatever/etc. that we now have. Sometimes I think she's TOO polite. :-)
Voicemail OK, I have that. A phone that will record a message. Came with the phone. No monthly bill. I like it.
What I don't like is airheads who will leave a 5 minute message explaining this and that and going into great (unnecessary) detail about their needs,circumstances, lives and whatever. If you call me and I'm not here, leave a message, by all means. But just tell me your name (For god's sake DON'T think I'll recognize your voice), and leave your phone number.
You don't have to go into a lengthy litany about why you called and what you're planning and various scenarios and consequences. I'll learn all that when I call you back. See? More suspense and surprises right there.
While we're on the subject, if you call me the first words I want to here are "Hello, this is _____." Don't ask me if I'm who I am. Don't ask me if Miz t. is here. TELL ME WHO YOU ARE, and then I'll deal with you accordingly.
I'm sure that Alexander Graham Bell would be amazed by the height and breadth to which we've taken his invention. But I don't know if he'd like it much.