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Oh hell, the cat got a mouse but it's still alive

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mreilly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 09:37 PM
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Oh hell, the cat got a mouse but it's still alive
Tough one for an animal lover like me. I came upon my cat batting around a mouse and figured it was dead (he's gotten two in the past couple of months). Not quite; in this case the poor bugger is still (weakly) breathing. I can't really stand by and let him finish the job, but on the other hand I can't take the mouse outside in the 40 degree rain and let the elements do their job either. Not about to stomp the thing with my workboots to put it out of its misery as it doesn't seem in pain, but merely sluggish and dazed.

Best thing I can do is put the mouse in a box and let it expire on its own (we have poison bait it may have ingested). If it somehow lives I'll put it out in the shed (where other mice congregate; don't care if they live in the shed, but don't want them in the house).

Any ideas?
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RebelOne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 09:47 PM
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1. I an an animal lover also, and I have no suggestions,
because rats and mice are invading my house and I have had to hire a pest control guy to get rid of them.Those damn critters have chewed wires up and caused me to have a power outage. I have to have an electrician repaiir the damage to the tune of $565. So the only good rat or mouse is a dead one.
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Withywindle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 09:48 PM
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2. Putting it outside is probably the best.
If it ingested poison bait, then that can also poison your cat if the cat eats it! (A good reason not to use poison. There are MANY good reasons not to use poison. Please stop.)
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Brickbat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-07-11 10:05 PM
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3. I always kill any live mice I find.
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