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Finished my first semester of grad school.

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Deep13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 01:04 PM
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Finished my first semester of grad school.
I took a light load this first semester: historiography (required), Genocide (grad/advanced under grad.), and Beginning Arabic I (undergrad). I haven't been in school since 1994 when I finished my law degree. After getting shit canned at the DA's office, I realized how much the legal profession sucks and went back to school. I just turned in my final papers yesterday: a 20-page paper on the Assyrian Massacre in Iraq in 1933 and a six page paper on Foucault. I think I have a shot at getting perfect scores in the two grad classes and a B+ in the language class.

Next semester: Middle East seminar (grad), some feminist class--I forgot the name (grad/advanced under grad.) and one other grad level seminar--maybe Medieval. Plus Beginning Arabic II. And I've been selected to fill in for a TA who is going on maternity leave for the semester.

So basically, I'll have no free time next semester. That sucks, but it will be a great experience. It was too late to apply for a TA position when the DA shit-canned me. 8 years in that shit hole, and he had the nerve to blamer me for a shift in attitude on the court of appeals. Fucking politician.
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rug Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 01:35 PM
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1. What a healthy change.
Enjoy. I'm envious.
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geardaddy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-08-11 01:35 PM
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2. Awesome.
I'm in my second year of my M.Ed. I'm taking it slow though. One class per semester is all I can afford.
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