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Italian cat inherits €10m fortune

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alp227 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-09-11 12:47 PM
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Italian cat inherits €10m fortune
Tommaso, a four-year-old, one-time stray from Rome, is thought to have become the world's richest cat.

Since the death of his 94-year-old mistress last month, he has become a property magnate — or perhaps mognate — with flats and houses worth an estimated €10m scattered from Milan in the north to Calabria in the south.

In a handwritten will, signed on 26 November, 2009, Tommaso's mistress — the childless widow of a successful builder — gave her lawyers the task of identifying "the animal welfare body or association to which to leave the inheritance and the task of looking after the cat Tommaso".

One of the lawyers, Anna Orecchioni, told the Rome daily Il Messaggero they considered several organisations without getting adequate guarantees of the cat's future comfort and welfare. In the meantime, the old lady met a fellow cat-lover – named only as Stefania – in a park. "Sometimes I'd go to her house so my cat could play with Tommaso," Stefania said.


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KamaAina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-09-11 01:41 PM
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1. Hmmm... I'm looking to adopt a kitteh...
and I do love black ones... :-)
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