I work at an office which has frequent conservative e-mails delivered. The new one with Krauthhammer as the individual letting out the "secrets". Which are composed of Obama wants to have control and increase public education (You conservatives asses want only the monied to be able to be educated). And that is just one example. There is more lies and damned lies in the e-mail. You conservatives just can't stand decency. Not only do you make me sick you make our nation sick. The policemen, firemen, nurses, teachers, average workers are NOT the problem. The problem is you who want more more to shove it to the downtrodden so you can have more money (translated power). You ship our jobs overseas, banks hold money to lend away from small business so they die. Any Christian who associates for supports the Republican party ought to hang their head in shame. Jesus said "by their fruits you will know them". What is your problem? Can't you see the misery and heartache at the end of Republican rule? Or are you just dumb enough that they use your abortion, gay marriage, issue to control you? This nation needs a mass education in critical thinking!