Whooo!!! Chicago-Home of the FIRST PLACE CHICAGO CUBS!!!!
xray s
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:53 PM
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Whooo!!! Chicago-Home of the FIRST PLACE CHICAGO CUBS!!!! |
Eamus Catuli baby! Prior is on fire! We got Wood!
Yaaaahhh Hooooo!
I am going to the game tomorrow. I don't have tix, but SRO will be fine for me...basking in the glow.
Alright you all...who are my Cubbies gonna slay in the World Series?
(Come on folks...as crazy as this world has gotten the Cubs have to be a lock to win this year!)
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:54 PM
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1. A Red Sox/Cubs World Series |
had been my fantasy for years.
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Fri Aug-15-03 09:54 PM
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I am still in awe that they're doin so gosh darn well...have fun at the game!
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:00 PM
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World Series?
Cubs vs. White Sox!!!
Hey, It could happen...
dolo amber
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:40 PM
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4. *Makes cartoony head shaking noise* |
Whaaaaaaa???? We really ARE in a parallel universe!! :wow:
Nah, I'm usually a fan of the underdogs, and god knows they've MORE than paid their dues. As long as they don't play the Yankees in the series, I'm all for 'em. ;) :P
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Fri Aug-15-03 10:41 PM
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:55 AM
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