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Voter Registration and Porn

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leomac Donating Member (7 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 09:14 PM
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Voter Registration and Porn
Voter Registration Tips -- from "Register Five Democrats" (

* The most effective way to get people registered to vote is simply to go to places where unregistered Democrats are likely to be (such as bus stations, bus stops, college campuses, city festivals and fairs, public parks, local neighborhoods, shopping centers, and even door to door) and ask people at these places if they are currently registered to vote. If they are not registered, give them a pen and voter registration form and instruct them to fill it out -- right there, on the spot. Such an assertive approach is much more effective than just sitting at a table waiting for folks to walk up to you.

* Pick up a bunch of a registration forms; they can be gotten by the boxful from your local election office or department.

* In order to make yourself look more professional and official, create a "VOTER Registrar" laminated tag. Simply type out the words "VOTER Registrar" (in 24 point font) on your word-processor and print out a hard copy of these two words. Drive to your nearest Kinko's print shop and ask someone there to laminate it for you. Simply clip your new "VOTER Registrar" laminated tag to your collar whenever you go out in the community to register voters.

* For those people who aren't currently registered to vote, let them know that now's their chance to do so -- that it's quick and painless and will take just a few moments. (Let them see your clipboard and a filled-out registration form so they can see for themselves how brief the process will actually be.)

* Do not waste time on those people who blow you off and refuse to consider your initiative and good intentions. Such people are not worth thinking about.
Try humor. Ask them "Are you rich? or are you a Democrat?" ... such playful words tend to break the ice a bit, and make talking to new people a little bit easier.

* When registering new voters, rip out the actual registration form from the multi-page registration packet. Hand them the actual registration form -- the part they need to fill out.

* Don't just hand people a form and ask them to mail it in. If you attempt to register people in this manner, a large majority of these people will never complete the form, let alone mail it in with adequate postage. It's much simpler and more efficient to help them fill out the form and have them give it back to you right on the spot.

* Keep a collection of your filled-out voter registration forms and turn them in to your local Democratic Party. At party headquarters, each registrant's data can be put in a database so that they can be reminded to vote at election time.

* Throughout the process of registering voters, it's essential to work with your local Democratic Party. They'll be happy to support your efforts.

* Remember that each state has its own voter registration laws. Every registrar needs to be familiar with them. Do not break the law. Always be fair and fair-minded in your voter registration endeavors.

* Check out our voter registration website at Our primary purpose at "Register Five Democrats" is to register as many Democratic voters as possible for the 2004 presidential election. RFD is an independent voter registration initiative: we are not affiliated with the Democratic Party in any official capacity.

* Oh yeah, I almost forgot... When registering voters, try to avoid the subject of porn -- people will think you are weird if you insist on talking about this highly personal and sensitive topic.

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LoZoccolo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-03-03 09:23 PM
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1. You know how...
...when you get a cup of coffee at McDonald's and the cup emphatically tells you that the coffee could be hot so you should be careful, and you know it's because of the lawsuit like ten years ago? And you know how when you're in line at Old Country Buffett and there's that sign up that says that there's to be no cutting in line, and you know that there's some story behind why they went and put this sign up?
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