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SGrande Donating Member (374 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-04-03 12:56 PM
Original message
This was forwarded to me by Joy DeMark, longtime Chair of the Clubs and Organizations sub committee of the Harris County Democratic Party, with the notation that this was something she thought would be of interest to all Democrats and should be forwarded far and wide.

Democratic Activists: This may be what you have been waiting for -

This first came to me courtesy of Yolanda Coroy, President of Bay Area New Democrats, who has law offices in the same place as Grant. You don?t want to miss checking this out. It just may be what some of you have been waiting for. Feel free to pass this along to other Democrats.
Hi everyone,
Here is a website that I and a few other Texas Dems launched just yesterday. We've been working on it for months. (In fact I haven't slept in a while ...)
Also, if you are interested in voting in an online Democratic primary, here is the link for that:
You will need to register for the discussion forum by getting a username and password. (Skip all of the optional questions and board preference crap in the middle. Just select a username and password and within minutes you will receive an email that allows you to activate your use of the message board.)
I don't know about you guys, but I'm tired of always playing defense ...
Grant M. Scheiner
P.S. I know I'm leaving lots of people out and I don't mean to. Please pass this along to Dems only. Also, my apologies to anyone who received this email when they weren't supposed to.

Registration for the Democrats.US forum is easy, but if you are the type of person who likes to read instructions, here they are. I have made them as lengthy and wordy as possible:
1. Click the "Register" button in the top right portion of your screen;
2. Select a "username." A username is a nickname that others will know you by;
3. Enter your email address. (This is necessary, so that we can email you a registration confirmation that will allow you to "activate" your username.);
4. Enter a password. Enter it again on the line below to confirm. (Write your password down so you don't forget it!);
5. SKIP THE NEXT SECTION. This section asks you for optional information, but some of the questions are confusing and most will not apply to you;
6. SKIP THE NEXT SECTION, TOO! This next section is for "board preference," such as how you want the date to appear on your screen. It is mostly for foreign users;
7. Hit "send" in the lower right portion of your screen. You should get a "Thank you" message. (If you do not, go back and see if you have missed any steps.);
8. Check your email! You will soon get a confirmation from Democrats.US. Read the email carefully and click on the "url address" contained in the email. This will activate your username and password.
9. Go to the forum and have fun. Remember that you can always get to the main page of the forum by clicking the Democrats.US logo in the upper-left portion of your screen. Clicking "Home" in the upper-right portion will take you back to the Democrats.US homepage at
10. Using the forum is easy once you get the hang of it. You can reply to other people's messages and post your own messages as well. You can even vote in and/or create online polls. Go forth and kick G.O.P. butt!
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qb Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-04-03 01:05 PM
Response to Original message
1. looks like a great site. nt
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benddem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-04-03 02:33 PM
Response to Original message
2. Great Site
Keep up the good work:)
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Lady Freedom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-04-03 02:51 PM
Response to Original message
A new web page that I can find neat stuff that will drive the Republicans up the wall! muhaaaaaa!
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