Now Kerry has joined a lawsuit to stop a county from withdrawing from the recount. This is great but he's still cautious and reactive. Unless he takes up where the greens left off and forces the recount to start immediately there doesn't seem to be enough time to do a full manual recount (which is estimated to take 10 days) before various deadlines (Dec. 7th when Ohio chooses the electors which choose the President and Dec. 13th when all electors must choose a president).
If you've seen this action before, I've added a sample letter you can use as a template for your own letter and phone #'s, faxes, etc. if you want to do more. You can also find all of this along with other actions to facilitate recounts--like contacting Ohio Secretary of State Blackwell about starting recount immediately--also urgent and it could work because Blackwell has responded to pressure and backed disenfranchising voters off before) and investigate vote fraud--and a new section on vote fraud protests around the country--see link on top--at Since the Judge said the Greens don't have standing to sue to start the recount immediately, only Kerry can get the recount going by initiating a lawsuit before Blackwell runs the clock out. And that's exactly what will happen unless we all speak out now. Here's a one click page where you can send your personal message on election fraud to the Kerry campaign, the DNC, and the GAO at the same time Tell Senator Kerry he must act now to fight for us all by requesting a temporary restraining order (this is a legal term that would get the counties to start the recount immediately see ) for which the groundwork is already laid by the Greens.
--Sample letter: "I strongly urge Senator Kerry to initiate a temporary restraining order in Ohio so as to start the recount immediately in order to make every vote count since there have been many voting anomalies and allegations of voting fraud and the current recount timeline would not allow enough time to do a full manual count (which is estimated to take at least 10 days) before the deadlines when Ohio must officially participate in choosing the next President. I also urge Kerry, the DNC, and the GAO to investigate all allegations of voting fraud right away."
--If you wanted to do more you can contact: for the DNC; Kerry Campaign (not sure if still active) 202-712-3000, try ext.5377 ;Ohio Democrats 614-221-6563 (voice) 614-221-0721 (fax)
keep checking for more updated actions