Edited on Mon Dec-06-04 12:45 PM by Career Prole
Do I have your attention? Good. That's a start.
This coming Friday...December 10, 2004...I am beseeching you all to do absolutely nothing.
I know it sounds like a lot of work on short notice with incredible logistical hurdles to overcome but it's absolutely imperative we have a large turnout for this.
The biggest problem with activism in my experience is simply getting there. Many of us have beloved kids, beloved pets, or beloved whatevers we are reluctant to leave behind.
Transportation is often a problem. You may have no vehicle or you're driving a nickel rocket you pray every day will make it through until tomorrow.
Lodging at the protest site for many of us is out of the question. We can't really afford the rent at home. In essence, "in person" activism is priced out of our range.
That's why I'm asking for your help not doing a damned thing this coming Friday.
We can...every single one of us...accomplish nothing at all without a terrible strain on our pocketbooks. We can all tailor our participation to suit our situation.
Here are some suggestions for some "damned things you shouldn't do" this Friday:
The biggest sacrifice you should make is treat yourself to a three-day weekend. Don't work.
Many DUers have been out of work for a heck of a lot longer than a day through no choice of their own and are surviving, so I want you to really look inside yourself and honestly assess your situation before saying you can't sit out a day.
If you've had attendance problems and have been warned that you're skating on thin ice, skip this step. If, however, you're just trying to pick up that Perfect Attendance plaque keep your butt home. Many have made greater sacrifices.
If a day off Friday means no food for the kids Saturday, don't do it. If all it means is having to "eat in" Saturday night, you've no excuse. Folks all around the world have done without much more than that with no lasting ill effects.
Just use your common sense for this step regarding your personal participation and let your conscience be your guide.
Another thing I highly encourage not doing on "Don't Do A Damned Thing Day" is getting out and about if it's going to mean buying gas...because quite frankly you shouldn'y buy a damned thing Friday either.
Don't buy gas. Don't buy groceries. Don't buy a Big Mac. Don't Christmas shop. You can do all this stuff Thursday or Saturday if necessary...but don't spend, don't consume...this Friday.
Don't go to a movie, or even rent a movie. Go to the park or the beach or any other activity which doesn't require financial participation. You might find out you like it if you haven't done it in a while due to your unstintinting participation in the rat-race.
The neocon machine runs on your money, and they are so confident that you will cheerfully hand them your money they already have this Friday's money spent.
If you want them to see the power of 57,000,000 angry voters don't give them Friday's money! If each of us withheld just twenty bucks on Friday from whatever we'd planned to spend it on that's a billion dollar message in one day! For comparison's sake, the war in Iraq costs 4 billion per month...think about it. Does anyone think they'd be able to ignore that like they've ignored our rallies?
If you agree then please get on your e-mail lists, get on your message boards and blogs, get on your speed-dial list...and get the word out now. Time is of the essence. Tell every person you know to tell every person they know.
Nothing would make me happier than to see this message show up in my e-mail inbox a couple of hundred times by Thursday. Please...it makes too much sense not to not do a damned thing. It's only one day...you can do it!