I'm one of the organizers for Saturday. The link above doesn't work, so here it is:
alexisact - at - yahoo.com (replace - at - with @)
Also, if anyone would like to make and bring signs, here are a few ideas:
Over 57,000 voting problems on election day is a “success”?
Total Electoral Access & Accountability
RIP Democracy
1776 – 2004
No Mandate
Election Fraud is Newsworthy
Election flaws won’t go away just because the media ignores them!
Do you Ukrainians care more about Democracy than Americans?
If Ukraine can do it, so can we!
Corporate Media Blacked Out in US, Woke Up in Ukraine
We Know How the Ukrainians Feel
Exit polls were good enough for the Ukraine
American Exit Polls are at Least as Good as Ukrainian ones
The Exit Polls Were Right
Did your vote count? Are you sure?
Vote goes in, what comes out? How do you know?
Whose votes count when partisan corporations count the votes?
(decorate poster with ATM receipts) Verified paper trail – your ATM has it, why not your vote? (or, why not your democracy?)
(decorate poster with ATM receipts) Shouldn't your vote be as safe as your money?
Auditability = Legitimacy
Make your vote count: Get it in writing!
Vote But Verify
Voting without Auditing Are We Insane?
Live Free Diebold
Vote Free or Diebold
Secret Software Secret Government
Diebold (in a red circle with a line through it)
ES&S (in a red circle with a line through it)
Sequoia (in a red circle with a line through it)
Dissent is an American Virtue!
Dissent is Patriotic!
No Vote Left Behind!
Democracy Counts
Democracy Counts All Votes!
Count all the votes!
Make sure every vote counts!
Our Vote is not For Sale!
The Machine Ate My Vote
The Computer Ate My Vote
Dude, where’s my Vote?
Error 404: Your vote has been corrupted. Better luck next election
Visualize True Democracy
Visualize Legitimate Secure Elections
Veterans didn’t die for Rigged Elections
Was the election stolen? If you can’t audit, can you prove it wasn’t?
Electile Dysfunction!
Correct Electile Dysfunction
Secret Technology + No Paper Trail + Can’t Audit = Black Box Voting
First they ignore you.
Then they ridicule you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
-- Mahatma K Gandhi