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San Francisco: A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11

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GregD Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 12:20 AM
Original message
San Francisco: A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11
A RALLY TO CHALLENGE THE TALLY will be held Saturday Dec 11, at noon, at Powell and Market streets in San Francisco.

Informed speakers, including S. F. Bayview Newspaper editor Willie Ratcliff and Dan Ashby of Redefeat Bush, join inspiring entertainers to energize us as we challenge the civil rights violations, biased election officials, misallocation of voting machines, and exit poll anomalies which call into question the validity of the 2004 election.

After the rally, participants will be invited to leaflet the public at nearby stores, markets and the KPFA crafts fair at 8th Street and Brannan. We'll have petitions directed to Senator Barbara Boxer, calling on her to support an immediate investigation and to challenge the Jan. 6 counting of electoral votes.

December 11 is rally day across the U.S., as folks everywhere join in solidarity with those gathering at the main Washington D. C. rally. The need for action is urgent; the electoral college meets in the states Dec. 13; electoral votes are counted January 6. We have only until Jan. 6 to make sure a fair recount is held in Ohio, and if, necessary, a re-vote ordered.

"I worked in Nevada and New Mexico for four months during the campaign. As I registered voters, some of whom had not voted in 20 years, I promised them that voting was worth their while. I said the amazing grassroots movement we had would ensure that their vote counted and that corruption would not rule the day," said Wellstone member and labor activist Sharon Maldonado. "It would break my heart to think that what I told them was not true, that in some way I had misled them. We must speak out now and we must insist that our elected representatives do the same. Our country's democracy is at stake."

Donald Goldmacher, chairperson of the Voting Rights Task Force of the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club stated,"After a series of public hearings in which citizens of Ohio testified under oath, it is now very clear that widespread voter intimidation, and criminal efforts to prevent African American and student voters from casting their ballots took place in that state. It is our moral duty as citizens to demand a re-vote in that state, just as the people of the Ukraine have done. To accept anything less, is to betray the very foundation of our democracy and those who gave their lives so all could vote freely in this country."

And, in another vein, the rally will include the contrary view of George Shrub, the singing CIA agent. George asserts, "It's disappointing to see the citizenry obsessing over this election we've convinced them they had. I'll be explaining this away for them, giving them my point of view on it so they won't need their own."

Sponsored by (partial list):

Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club (Voting Rights Task Force)
Reclaim the Commons, Democracy Defense Committee
ReDefeat Bush
San Francisco Bay View Newspaper
United for Peace and Justice

For further information:
Contact: Don Goldmacher 510-527-1761
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oscar111 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-04 08:05 AM
Response to Original message
1. RE-VOTE, NOT recount. New Elections needed
suppressed vote cannot be found by recounts.

Long lines forced many to peel off and leave.. too few machines, ... Warren co. ohio, officials counted votes behind secret doors, probably destroying dem ballots.. FL .. Cops roadblocked access to two black polling places.

We need a strong call for


Not mousey recount.

Make your first words

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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 01:08 PM
Response to Original message
2. Saturday in SF works better for me
I was going to drive up to Sacremento Sunday
but this works better for me .

I recieved an email from with info
for Saturday .

Saturday, December 11th. Rally to Change the Tally. San Francisco,
12:00 Noon. Meet at Market and Powell Streets, San Francisco
- Petition Senator Barbara Boxer to challenge the legitimacy of the
2004 elections.
- Demand a revote, not just a recount, in Ohio.
- Learn more about disenfranchisement of minority voters and voting
machine malfunctions in 2004.
Sponsored by the Wellstone Democrat Club of the East Bay.

I'll take bart in , I'll be wearing my proud patriot Jacket.
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arcane1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 01:21 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. much easier
I'm taking a small road-trip tomorrow evening, but the afternoon is (I think) free

I'll get in touch with you, PP, if I plan on making it

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proud patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 02:00 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Cool , I'd be happy to pick you up
on the way to BART :D my carless friend .

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arcane1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 06:37 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. I'll email you
if I'm concious enough at the time :)

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