Who: VotersUnite.org and concerned citizens across America
What: Black Box TEA (Total Electoral Access & Accountability) Party
When: Saturday, December 11, at 12:15 p.m.
Where: Times Square - we'll meet on the east side of Broadway from 42nd street south.
(view flyer at this link: Image)
If you are concerned about the issue of voting irregularities and the flaws in the current system, there will be a rally in Times Square on Saturday, December 11, at 12:15 p.m. We'll meet on the east side of Broadway from 42nd street south.
The goal is to raise visibility in the media about the major flaws in the electronic voting and vote tabulating systems, as well as other voting irregularities, suppression and fraud. The invitation to hold demonstrations came from www.VotersUnite.org, and many locations across the country have held and will hold demonstrations. The theme is a Black Box TEA (Total Electoral Access & Accountability) Party to symbolically dump our black box voting systems.
Please join us on the 11th. I need people to bring their own boxes or signs whenever possible. For boxes, ask at local stores for empty cardboard boxes when they re-stock, then either cover with black paper, or spray paint the box black. Please paint “No Black Box Voting” in white on your box. If you can make at least one or two posters (one or more to share), please let us know, and we will e-mail sign suggestions (if you can get a group of friends together to have a poster-making party, even better).
We want to raise awareness peacefully. There’s already enough dismissal from the media referring to anyone who questions the “smoothness” or “success” of the election as “conspiracy theorists” or “tin-foil hat crazies”. Let’s not contribute to that spin. Specifically, this event is NOT about bashing Bush. Trust me, I want to bash him as much as any of you, but as soon as we have anti-Bush signs or anti-Bush chants, that is the *only* message anyone will get. They will write us off as sore losers and anti-Bush rallyers, and ignore the real issue of the vulnerability of black box voting systems and the other irregularities in the November 2 vote. Let’s stay “On Message” – Free, Fair and Accurate elections are the bedrock of democracy.
Please dress either in all black, or be patriotic in red, white, and blue. Little flags to wave will be a plus. We’re doing our patriotic duty trying to bring attention to an issue that strikes at the very core of our democracy.
Please contact us if you’d like to attend and/or help organize. We need a rough idea of number of participants to expect, and contact info if there are any last minute changes.
Alexis: alexisact – at – yahoo.com
Or Sharon: Sharon.lynch – at – verizon.net
(replace – at – with @)