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Urgent Request And New Essential Recount & Vote Fraud Actions [View All]

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cguttman Donating Member (74 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-11-04 09:05 AM
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Urgent Request And New Essential Recount & Vote Fraud Actions [View All]
Please keep kicking (replying to) this post to keep this important info. up and bookmark to this page so you can come back and do more!

(1)Tell Democrats to demand full recount like Greens which will have more weight when local Board of Elections decide whether to do full recount or only recount 3%. Now Dems are not sure if they will demand it or not!

(2) Update and Urgent Request for recount coordinators from PENNSYLVANIA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS AND WEST VIRGINIA. AND INDIANA from Green Recount Coordinator., Holly and more info about Recount if you want to volunteer,offer housing, or donate

(3)Find Protests this Weekend Before Electors Vote For President

(4)Help find more voters who experienced problems voting by calling them

(5)Easy Way To Blast media to demand they cover Conyers New Voting Irregularities Hearing on Mon.

(6)Demand Blackwell Stop Lockdown on public election information requested by recount volunteers (!) answer Ad Hoc Judiciary Committee Questions and Recuse himself from recount and Blast the media about Blackwell, vote fraud, and why electors should be challenged

(7)Write to Chairman of House Judiciary Committee to have full House Judiciary hearings on Ohio and Florida Voting Irregularities and Impound Black Box Voting machines

(8)Quick Letter pop-up letter to your Representatives to Challenge Election results before January 6th when Congress accepts Electors

(9)Effort To Find One Senator to Challenge Election Results before Congress accepts electors--just need one for debate and vote

(10)While I am updating
you can check
for more urgent actions

The Green party is demanding a FULL recount and the Democrats are not sure if they will make that request yet. They might be satisfied with a 3% hand count and let the rest run through the same faulty machines! The local Ohio Boards of Elections different counties which makes the final decision will get "cover" if the Democrats are satisfied with 3%.

Tell the Dems that a full manual recount--and a full investigation of the voting machines-- is the only way to make sure every vote will count!

For more info:

Ohio Democrats 614-221-6563 (voice) 614-221-0721 (fax) email;

The DNC Phone 202-863-8000 and
and Kerry Campaign (phone) 202-712-3000, try ext.5377;

Kerry's Senate fax 202-224-8525 and Email Note: When People have called Kerry's office they are told that Kerry cannot conduct election business from his Senate office and they are referred to the DNC, so any messages sent to his Senate office may be forward to the DNC


<b>Please keep going back to the list above to do more actions with links; keep kicking (replying to) this post to keep this important info. up; and bookmark to this page so you can come back and do more!</b>

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senegal1 Donating Member (489 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-12-04 02:59 AM
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