The revelations coming out of Ohio may change the election or at least help institute election reform that will make it harder to steal elections in the future.
But for this to happen we all need to ACT!
Please look over entire list; try to do at least one of these actions now and then bookmark this page and come back ASAP. And keep kicking (replying) to keep info up!
(1)Urge Kerry to ask for his own recount to give him more standing to make his 11 requests;use the 50 million he raised for recounts to investigate the vote fraud allegations in Ohio; and speak out about the evidence of vote fraud and voter suppression!
For more information,sample letter, and contact info click here: (2) Update and Urgent Request for recount coordinators from PENNSYLVANIA, MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, ILLINOIS AND WEST VIRGINIA. AND INDIANA from Green Recount Coordinator, Holly and more info about Recount if you want to volunteer,offer housing, or donate (3)Help find more voters who experienced problems voting by calling them (4)Demand Blackwell Stop Lockdown on public election information requested by recount volunteers (!) answer Ad Hoc Judiciary Committee Questions and Recuse himself from recount (5)Blast the media about Blackwell, vote fraud, and why electors should be challenged--scroll down this link to find media info (6)Write to Chairman of House Judiciary Committee to have full House Judiciary hearings on Ohio and Florida Voting Irregularities and Impound Black Box Voting machines (7)Quick Letter pop-up letter to your Representatives to Challenge Election results before January 6th when Congress accepts Electors (8)Effort To Find ]One Senator to Challenge Election Results before Congress accepts electors--just need one for debate and vote
http://www.americanether.netAlso most of these actions are now listed on these two sites, please keep checking them for updates Remember: do at least one action now, bookmark to do more ASAP, and reply to keep this up!
Thanks, Cheryl (you can reach me directly at, replace -at- with @)