A dear friend told me that this is really picking up steam in the knitting community, just thought i would share:
from the punk knitters at live journal:
"knitting for choice?
So... some of my friends and I were talking about the possibility of Scalia as the new cheif justice of the supreme(ly conservative) court and my only response was:
I may as well cut out my womb and leave it on the steps of the supreme court.
Naturally it was pointed out to me that such a surgical option is unnecessary when knitty provides such a lovely and realistic knitted womb pattern:
http://knitty.com/ISSUEwinter04/PATTwomb.html SO...
The annual Roe V. Wade day is fast approaching and I was wondering if my fellow knitters would like to knit a womb. I live in DC, and I'm sure other SnB'ers from DC would join in the fun of dumping wombs on the court steps. I work in PR, and I could even wrestle up some media coverage if we want.
Anyone interested, or am I insane?"
http://www.livejournal.com/community/punk_knitters/291422.htmlsee also for a nice pic of a finished womb: