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Protest Signs Allowed At Inaug. Parade Route & Options For Protest

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cguttman Donating Member (74 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:00 PM
Original message
Protest Signs Allowed At Inaug. Parade Route & Options For Protest
Misinformation Alert: You CAN take protest signs anywhere on the inaugural parade route in D.C. (some activists are misinformed about this, see link below to quotes from secret service, D.C. parks dept. etc. on this subject)and see below for different protest options.

This Thurs is Bush's inauguration. We must protest this celebration of Bush's extreme right wing agenda . We must declare: " No Mandate"! We will not stand by idly while Bush raids social security, destroys our environment, takes away our rights, fights imperial wars, and "wins" elections with evidence of vote fraud and suppression uninvestigated and real vote reform not yet a reality!

Please participate in some form of protest on Thurs. See this list for complete local (including ice skating at noon with "we're on thin ice with Bush" t-shirts at Rockerfeller Center) and national events and protests before, during and after Thurs

And please try to do at least one vote reform action on this list (simply choose the first item you haven't done before and check back later to do more)

In this post

I. If you can't protest Thurs: buy nothing, call in sick for work etc.--a national call--...and write to your newspaper, your senator and your representative to tell them why. For more info see and /

II. Two options for protesting at the Inaugural Parade Route where Bush, his supporters, and the media will be (see below for info on cheap transportation to D.C.)

(1) Just go to parade route via one of the 12 checkpoints. The secret service has issued a press release saying ALL PROTEST SIGNS WILL BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE ON INAUGURAL PARADE ROUTE (see below for quotes from secret service and parks dept spokesmen saying that they will permit protest signs) as long as they conform to safety

But try to get there early--around 9 am because there is limited space between bleachers. When Bush drives by you can waive your sign, boo, yell whatever message you want him to hear (like "Thief")or participate in an effort to "turn your back towards Bush" (unfortunately, the problem with this effort is it is marred by the organizers not realizing that you definitely can take protest signs, buttons, t-shirts, etc.)

(2) A permitted rally on parade route at 4th and Pennsylvania for Bush protesters with focus on anti-war and social justice given by ANSWER coalition. They may have a speaker on Stolen Election (speakers list not finalized yet). (They are also having simultaneous events in San Francisco and Los Angelos)

III. The has a number of actions Thurs in D.C. During day MacPherson Square 9am -2p.m. and in Senate Park 2:30- 6 p.m. protest stolen election during day and party during eve at Dream Nightclub. Day events include such luminaries as Grannie D. and one of the major players in Ohio recount, Pat LaMarch, and more speakers on Stolen Election and entertainment (speakers list not finalized yet). They also have planning action on Mon. night for those in D.C. --any volunteers can go to Dream nightclub event for free ( see below for more info)

IV. Also Billionaires For Bush Re-Coronation Ball in eve. 9:30p.m.-2am at
Platinum in D.C.

V January 21-22, 2005 - The People's Inauguration and Progressive
Democratic Summit. Washington, DC.

VI. And please do a quick action for voting reform


--Inexpensive travel to D.C.
(a)ride board
(b) ANSWER buses and ride boards scroll down a bit
(c)cheap greyhound bus

--- Bring a Sign to Inaugural Parade Route where Bush's car will pass
through, where Bush, his supporters, and the press can see and hear
you. There has been some rumors and misinformation about the accessibility of the parade route along which I have personally investigated. These are the facts. The public can carry signs--including anti-Bush--at other points in the parade route as long as the are not bigger than 3 by 20 and no sticks backing there are 12 checkpoints where these will be searched--see

A Secret Service spokesperson tell us in this article from the Washington Post that all political signs including those criticizing Bush will be allowed on the inaugural parade, and a Parks Dept. spokesperson tells us the general public including people with these signs will be allowed on all open spaces between bleachers. However space is limited so please try to get there at 9 am when the route opens.

This following official quotes are from the Washington Post

Kevin Sheridan, a spokesman for the Presidential Inaugural Committee, said the parade will be open to Americans of all political stripes. "The inauguration will celebrate all of the freedoms that make our democracy great, the First Amendment included," he said.

Jim Mackin, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said the agency respects the right of the public to demonstrate and "does not prohibit the presence of signs or props based on their content, only those items made of materials or of a size that could be used potentially in a threatening or harmful manner."

Park Service officials have said allegations that they are restricting access to the parade route are false. The public and demonstrators will be allowed onto open areas of the Pennsylvania Avenue sidewalk, officials said.

-- ANSWER has a permited rally by parade route Pennsylvania Avenue and 4th St. which will begin with an anti-war rally and stays throughout the parade where Bush's car passes.
Please get there as close to 9 -10 am as possible.

-- has all day events.
(Note if you are in the D.C. area on today, Mon 6-9, at 2406 18th d.c., you can volunteer to help Thurs events and then go to CounterInaug. Ball for free.)

Thurs events. First at MacPherson Square at 14th between I and K. between 9am and 2 pm. Highlights during the day on ReDefeatBush stages will include prominent national political figures, legendary voting rights activist Granny D and ReDefeatBush fonuder David Lytel's performance as Alexis de Tocqueville, who will take audience questions on the subject of Democracy in America.

Then in Senate Park 2:30-6 directly in front of Union Station

At 7 p.m. there will be a ball at Dream, D.C.'s largest nightclub, at 1350 Oakie St. NE , available by shuttle from Metro redline stop

At MacPherson the mistress of ceremonies will be former Green Party
Vice Presidential candidate Pat Lemarche. Musical guests are
expected to include Swing States Road Show, Jack Chernos and the Real
Department of Justice and singer/songwriter Yikes McGee. It is also
expected that Jayne Lytel and other women will play the role of a TV
anchorgirl at a mock news stage set at MacPherson Square. They will
interview protestors to find out why they came to DC to protest. Segments of these interviews will be included in a news show to originate at 10:00 that night at the event at Dream as well as on the Internet. At 2:00 PM this venue will be turned over to DAWN and an informal march to Capitol Hill will begin.

In the evening the highlights will include a dinner buffet and open bar for as many as 5,000 people, the ceremonial retirement of the name ReDefeatBush, the launch of the new entity that will replace it and the debut of a one hour documentary on the counterinaugural that will have been filmed that day. The video will be shown at Dream and to a worldwide audience via the Internet. In the evening the ceremonial retirement of the name ReDefeatBush, the launch of the new entity that will replace it and the debut of a one hour documentary on the counterinaugural that will have been filmed that day. The video will be shown at Dream and to a worldwide audience via the Internet. see for more info

--Also Billionaires For Bush Re-Coronation Ball in eve. 9:30p.m.-2am at Platinum in D.C.

--January 21-22, 2005 - The People's Inauguration and Progressive
Democratic Summit. Washington, DC.

***And please don't forget to do a quick action for voting reform
or bookmark the page and do it ASAP!****


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gristy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. Wonderful post
Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 06:21 PM by gristy
What a resource. Just fantastic. Thanks, cguttman!!

On edit: You suggested I. If you can't protest Thurs: buy nothing, call in sick for work etc.

In my 24 years of work, I have never called in sick except when I really was sick. Just maybe I'll break that streak this Thursday...
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Jensen Donating Member (866 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 07:20 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Me too!
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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 07:44 PM
Response to Original message
3. Confused. This is what it says on their website:

Prohibited Items

Firearms, weapons of any kind, ammunition (either real or simulated), explosives of any kind (including fireworks), knives, blades, or sharp objects (of any length), aerosol sprays, coolers, thermal or glass containers, mace, pepper spray, sticks, poles, pocket or hand tools (such as a leatherman), packages, backpacks, large bags, duffel bags, suitcases, laser pointers, posters, signs, placards (including supports structures), animals other than guide dogs or service dogs assisting handicapped individuals, strollers, chairs, umbrellas, alcoholic beverages, and any other items at the discretion of the security screeners that may pose a potential safety hazard.
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Amused2Death Donating Member (60 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 12:53 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. i don't see feces anywhere on that list.
they can take our freedom, but they can't take our feces.

hint hint
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whirlygigspin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 12:57 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. stink bombs aren't on the list either
but NO posters! let freedom ring!
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Synnical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-18-05 12:51 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Inaugural Ceremony
Not parade
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