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Seattle counter-inaugural demonstrations - DU meetup

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UncleSepp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-19-05 08:42 PM
Original message
Seattle counter-inaugural demonstrations - DU meetup
(Cross posted to the Lounge and GD.)

There is information here about meeting up on Thursday for the planned counter-inaugural demonstrations:

In brief, meet at the Center House at Seattle Center starting at noon. Public transit goes there, it's easy to find and there is parking. Then we can take the monorail to Westlake for the 2 PM Not In Our Name event, and walk from there to the 5 PM ANSWER event. I will have a Democratic Underground banner. The suggestion has been made to try to be identifiable as a group by dress: blue jeans, a blue shirt (work shirt, blue dress shirt, etc.) and gray sweatshirt, generic pieces people are likely to have that will lend a group the appearance of being a group without making any individual stand out while not with the group. Of course that's optional

I hope to see some folks out there!
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freeplessinseattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-19-05 09:16 PM
Response to Original message
1. I hope to be there, will have my America Wants the Truth sign
and blue shirt, jeans, but no gray sweatshirt, probably my Dumb and Dumber *sr and jr T-shirt on. I really want to go, been getting migraines from hell lately, but can probably manage at least the march and help carry the banner.
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UncleSepp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-19-05 10:48 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Great! I will look for you
Good luck with the migraines, too. Those really suck.
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