<snip> "John C. Yoo, you are directly responsible for the torture and abuses at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib," he shouted, pointing his finger at Yoo. "You should be ashamed!" <snip>
"How many of you would be sitting here listening to it?" one of them asked the audience. "How can you listen to fascists? This is murder. John Yoo: go to hell!"
Yoo got a few laughs when he asked that everyone hold their questions until after the speech. Then he continued with his boring lecture, although he was barely audible thanks to the protest-related racket outside. <snip>
Yoo concluded his speech by arguing that the suspension of civil liberties and human-rights abuses currently taking place are really nothing new in the United States. While not referencing nine decades of slavery, Yoo cited both the Alien Sedition Act of 1798 and unspecified wartime measures enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt—that would be hundreds of thousands of Japanese-Americans rounded up in internment camps—to make his point. <snip>