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Help Get the word out on the PNAC

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pstans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 06:45 PM
Original message
Help Get the word out on the PNAC
We need to get the word out on the PNAC. I think everyone will be amazed at what the PNAC is about and has written. Lets advertise for them. People don't know about them and the Bu$hCo wants it that way. They want to work in the dark.

Send emails to AAR hosts and have them talk as much about the PNAC as possible. Have them link what the Bu$h Administration is doing to what the PNAC goals are.

It would be awesome if CNN did a special on the PNAC or if PTV did a Frontline edisode on the PNAC. Send emails to these statings saying that they should do a show on the PNAC.

Here is the PNAC's website /

PNAC/Bu$h/Iraq Connection

PNAC/Bu$h/Iran Connection
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s-cubed Donating Member (860 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 06:53 PM
Response to Original message
1. Anyone know of a really good, short summary of what these bastards
stand for?
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pstans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-20-05 07:19 PM
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2. Summary of the PNAC
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pstans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-22-05 09:49 PM
Response to Original message
3. Here is my email to the show Frontline
I love the in depth reporting that Frontline does and would love to see a show on the Project of the New American Century (PNAC). This past weekend I did some research and was astounded on what I learned. The PNAC is a Washington DC think tank founded in the 1990's and has included many current members of the current Bush administration, such as Cheney and Rumsfield. They outlined, in a 1999 article, a plan to regain the US's global dominance and many of those actions are current US policy, including the Iraq War. I would say that the majority of America does not know about this group and would be insterested in learning more about it and their goals.
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