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Indy Media activist witness to slaughter arrested in Brazil. Take action.

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Senior citizen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 09:18 AM
Original message
Indy Media activist witness to slaughter arrested in Brazil. Take action.

Please help if you can do so.

Brad (from IndyMedia Center in NYC and EarthFirst!) has been
arrested in Brazil as he documented the slaughter of a homeless encampment in the town of Goiania.

He asks that we contact the Brazilian Mission to the UN and Embassy. The contact info is below.

> From: "brad ." <>
> please contact or visit the embassy nearest you with
> several friends and
> make trouble.
> tell them to stop the bulldozing, stop the cover up,
> start an international
> investigation
> Brazilian Consulate General in New York
> 1185 Avenue of the Americas (Sixth Avenue), 21st
> Floor New York, NY
> 10036 Phone: (917) 777-7777
> After the message come son, Dial 0 and you'll be
> switched to an operator.
> Ask politely
> where you might leave a message regarding the
> assault on the homeless
> encampment in Goiania, Brasil.
> If you are not in New York, you can find contacts
> for your local consulate
> (if you are in a major city in the states) by going
> to the following website:
> At the bottom of the webpage is the Brasilian
> Embassy in Washington, D.C.
> You may want to contact them first and then the
> consulate nearest you.

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Senior citizen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Feb-24-05 04:30 PM
Response to Original message
1. Links and more info here.
Edited on Thu Feb-24-05 04:32 PM by Senior citizen
URGENT update from an indymedia reporter in Brasil:

For background, please see:

This is a desperate situation -- the police continue to bulldoze the
area of the encampment covering up any evidence and bodies of the
massacre -- the governor of the state promised to give the land to the squatters and now is back-tracking but says the deadline for this
decision is in a few days -- it seems like pressure from anyone
internationally is being effective -- please try to
get the federal government of brazil and the united nations involved --
below is a sample letter to send to the contacts beneath -- they
murdered innocent people -- 50 still missing -- please help with this
immediately, fax is the best, addresses follow sample text:


We ask that the following actions be taken in respect to the case of the occupation of Sonho Real, in Parque Oeste Industrial, Goiânia, Brasil:

1. stop the destruction of the homes and land, it is a crime scene
where people were killed and must be investigated

2. allow an international investigation into the police action

3. grant the land to the people who lived there and return all material losses suffered

The international community is watching this situation very closely and there will be grave repercussions if appropriate actions not taken by the authorities responsible.

Nós pedimos para que sejam tomadas as seguintes providências, sobre o
caso da

Ocupação Sonho Real, no Parque Oeste Industrial, Goiânia, Brasil:

1. parar a destruição das casas, uma vez que pessoas morreram naquela
área e isso tem que ser apurado

2. permitir uma investigação internacional sobre a intervenção policial

3. garantir aquela terra aos ocupantes e restituir todas as perdas
materiais impostas àquelas pessoas

A comunidade interntional está prestando atenção a esta situação muito de perto e haverá repercussões graves sobre este caso se medidas adequadas não forem tomadas pelas autoridades responsáveis.

Governo Federal - Secretaria-Geral
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Endereço Pça. dos Três Poderes, Palácio do Planalto
4º andar - 70.150-900 Brasília - DF
Telefone: (61) 411 1225

Governador do estado de Goiás
Marconi Ferreira Perillo Júnior
Telefone (62) 213-1456 r. 231
Fax (62) 213-1479 ou 213-1481

Secretário de Segurança Pública
Jonathas Silva
Telefone (62) 265-1000 ou 265-1050
Fax (62) 265-1001 ou 265-1002

Prefeitura de Goiânia
Iris Rezende Machado
Telefone: 0800 6460 156.

ONU - Brasil (United nations of Brazil)

Comitê de Direitos Humanos Internacional
Mail: Petitions Team
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022
(particularly for urgent matters)

Comissão de Direitos Humanos Internacional
Mail: Commission/Sub-Commission Team (1503 Procedure)
Support Services Branch
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: + 41 22 917 9011
E-mail: 1503@ohchr.or

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