Beneficial is a credit card brand under Household Bank, and Household Bank has unsavory ties to BFEE.
For one thing, dubya has CDs stashed at Household (as well as at Providian and Banco Santanda) ( ), which essentially makes him an investor in Household Bank.
But besides that, Sherman Skolnick, whose "conspiratorial" ramblings I am fascinated with, who is often mirrored at, has mentioned Household Bank a few times in conjunction with BFEE dealings. Long complicated story but you can get an inkling at these links:
The Reputed Cocaine Bank Money Laundry Wizard For George Bush Family Arrested In Chicago Rich and the Secret Accounts, Dope and Hot Money Banks"THE OVERTHROW OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC", Part 16 . . then there is the program of the American CIA, called the PHOENIX ASSASSINATION PROGRAM. In that, upwards of sixty thousand men, women, and children were slaughtered because they were purportedly part of the Viet Cong or other opposition infrastructure.
Supervising the Phoenix Assassination Program was William Colby who somewhere in the same period or later, was Director of Central Intelligence. He was also General Counsel to the CIA's funding operation for murder, laundering Southeast Asia dope funds, and smuggling operations, namely, the NUGAN HAND BANK. Colby's business card was found on the body of a murdered founder of the purported "bank". (Details are in the book, "The Crimes of Patriots", by Jonathan Kwitny. A successor to that "bank" and the ir alter ego is and has been since the early 1980s, Household International, Household Bank, and Household Finance, all headquartered now in the Chicago suburb of Prospect Heights, Illinois.)
The purposes of both WHITE STAR and PHOENIX ASSASSINATION PROGRAM, were to spread terror by murders. WHITE STAR, however, was a broader, lesser known bloody series of events. A good web search engine would turn up various published accounts of the Phoenix Assassination Program. But probably not so as to White Star.
google "Bush family" "Household Bank"
also "Nugan Hand" Household
edit: typo in title
2nd edit (arggh!): brackets changed to parens to prevent "disappearing text"