Certainly any libertarian-leaning conservative lurkers should get in on this too.
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Why call Congress today?
We're launching a nation-wide effort to ensure Congress hears the widespread opposition to the Patriot Act. Civil libertarians, conservatives, free speech advocates and others from across the political spectrum are urging Congress to reform the Patriot Act, not expand it. Add your voice to this chorus of people calling for proper checks and balances on government power.
In the coming weeks, we have the opportunity to prevent the expansion of government secret surveillance. Together we're working to ensure that some of the most infamous provisions of the Patriot Act -- including one that expands secret surveillance -- expire at the end of this year or are reformed.
Last week thousands of people wrote to their members of Congress. Please help ensure that your members of Congress do not support expansion of the Patriot Act. Call them today and defend your rights.
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