Hello SCCDC Members,
Seating is limited for our July Santa Clara County Democratic Club meeting which is a very special event
with honored guest speaker, Art Torres, chair of the California Democratic Party. RSVP now to make
sure you are a part of this important occasion.
Dinner and An Evening with Art Torres
6 p.m., Monday, July 18
China Stix Restaurant, 2110 El Camino, Santa Clara
Your RSVP must be received by Wednesday, July 13. Please send your check ($25/person) to our club
treasurer, Herb Engstrom, at 5974 Friar Way, San Jose CA 95129. If you wish to include an additional donation for
the "Stop Arnold" campaign, please indicate this on your check. For a flyer with a reservation form, go to
http://www.democraticclub-scc.org/ ... please print this form, complete and return it with your check.
We encourage club members who are affiliated with other Democratic organizations to help us
spread the word! And bring your family and friends, too!
Palo Alto Glass and Ceramic Fair
07/09/2005 09:00am
Art Center, 1313 Newell right off of Embarcadero, North County
Last year 15,000 people came to buy and to look at the artwork of 185 artists. The Democratic Party has never tabled this large event before. To volunteer, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org or call (408)445-9500.
Los Altos Art and Wine Festival
07/09/2005 10:00am
Los Altos, North County
july 9, 10 am - 8 pm; Sunday, July 10, 10 am - 6 pm. To volunteer, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org or call 650-326-6328.
Mountain View Obon Festival
07/16/2005 00:00am
545 North Shoreline Boulevard, Mountain View., North County
Saturday, July 16, 4-10 pm; Sunday, July 17, noon-10 pm. To volunteer, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org or call (650)326-6328.
Palo Alto Performance of San Francisco Mime Troup
07/17/2005 4:30pm
Mitchell Park, 600 E. Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, North County
Sunday, July 17, for San Francisco Mime Troup's performance in Palo Alto's Mitchell Park. Music at 4:30pm, Show at 5:00pm. Funny, political, and very progressive. Their current show, "Doing Good," is inspired by the book "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man." To volunteer, contact voter-reg@sccdp.org or call (408)445-9500.
Volunteer To Help At SCC Democratic Headquarters
Weekdays or Weekends
2102 Almaden Road, SJ
Help with phones, managing voter reg data, tabling, supplies, etc. To volunteer for any SCC Democratic
activities, fill out the form at
http://www.sccdp.org/volunteer3.php OTHER DEMOCRATIC ORGANIZATION'S EVENTS
S.T.O.P. (Standing Together To Protect Our Families) Protest March Against Arnold 7/11/2005 2 pm
Yahoo! Headquarters, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale
The Governor will be at Yahoo! Headquarters on Monday, July 11, 2 p.m. As his poll numbers plummet, help keep the pressure on Arnold - stand together to show California that we won't stop fighting until his attacks on working people are beaten! Bring Signs, Banners, Everybody! For more information, call C.J. Wilson at 408-266-3790 ext 578 or organize@atwork.org
Dean Democratic Club July Working Meeting
07/11/2005 7:00pm
IHOP - 4200 Great America Pkwy; Santa Clara, North San Jose/Santa Clara/Milpitas
RSVP: Spandan Chakrabrti: spandanc (at) dfasv.org or 650-559-1924. (If you haven't RSVP'ed, don't worry, just show up!). This is our business meeting. We will be voting on endorsing Madison Nguyen for San Jose City Council (runoff election on Sept. 13), may be deciding on some endorsements, what we will be focusing on as a club to get some results, and we will talk our member concerns. You are invited! Everyone is welcome, however, only dues-paying members are eligible to vote on club matters.
South County Democratic Club Meeting
07/16/2005 10:00am
Home of Alex and Yarka Kennett, South County
South County Democratic Club Monthly Meeting. For more information, contact southcounty@sccdp.org
Milpitas Democratic Club Meeting
07/16/2005 5:30pm
Milpitas Public Library, North San Jose/Santa Clara/Milpitas
Legislative leaders visit Milpitas. The Democratic Club of Milpitas is hosting State Senator Liz Figueroa, 10th Senate District, and Assemblymember Albert Torrico, 20th Assembly District, in the community meeting room of the Milpitas Public Library. Hear these leading Democrats discuss important topics facing Californians ? education, health care, transportation, government efficiency, identity theft, privacy, public employee pensions, and prison reform. This event is open to all and there is no charge. Contact Deepka Lalwani at 408-956-9115 or Al Garcia at 408-942-8952 for more information.
Should we permanently regulate the price of electricity?
7/20/2005 11:30 a.m.
San Jose City Library, Room 229
Debate between TURN, consumer advocates for electrical rate reform who put Prop 80 on the November
ballot and The Silicon Valley Leadership Group, who opposes Prop 80. Questions: Call Terry Trumbull at 650-328-9081
or email TerryT1011@aol.com
N.A.R.A.L. Training for Campaign for Teen Safety
7/21/2005 6-8 p.m.
2102 Almaden Rd #110
Learn how to talk effectively about Proposition 73, the abortion notification ballot initiative which would block
minors from obtaining abortions until 48 hours after their parents were notified.
MADISON NGUYEN for City Council Kick-Off Reception
07/22/2005 6:00pm
Dynasty Chinese Seafood Restaurant, 1001 Story Road, San Jose,
You are cordially invited to attend a campaign kick-off reception for MADISON NGUYEN, President, Franklin-McKinley Board of Education, and Candidate for San José City Council, District 7. $35-$ 250 Per Person, $10 for students. MADISON NGUYEN has been endorsed by the Santa Clara County Democratic Party. RSVP 408.569.3943 or friendsofmadison@yahoo.com.
Finally, if you've been wanting a resource for the November election that helps you understand the ballot initiatives, check out
http://www.speakoutca.org/info/props-2005.html This promises to be an exciting summer for progressive Dems ... enjoy! And don't forget to save this date - Sunday afternoon, August 28, 2005 - for our annual SCCDC summer picnic at Vasona Lake County Park.
Alicia Lanier, President
Santa Clara County Democratic Club