Cross-posted in Massachusetts forum. But this is just in case anyone in the Activist Corps wants to attend.
Download the flyer for this event here: Stand for Peace
The Truth About IraqTilden Auditorium, Cape Cod Community College *
Thursday, July 28th, 7 PM
Cape Codders for Peace and Justice present a public forum featuring:
Kathy Kelly
Cindy Sheehan
Mimi Evans
Bob Silverberg
Eyewitness Testimony
Kathy Kelly was in Baghdad during our initial 'Shock and Awe' bombing and has travelled to Iraq 22 times since 1996. She helped start Voices in the Wilderness, and has been arrested 60 times for peace action, most recently for taking toys and medicine to Iraq. Kathy is an active Catholic Worker and has been nominated 3 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Cindy Sheehan was an "average American mom" until her son, Casey, was killed in action in Iraq on April 4, 2004. Since then, she cofounded Gold Star Families for Peace and has been a tireless worker to expose the deceptions that the administration used to invade and occupy Iraq and to bring a face to a faceless war.
Mimi Evans is a resident of Cape Cod and a member of Military Families Speak Out. Her oldest son is a humanitarian aid worker who returned in May from two years in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her younger son, a Captain in the US Marine Corps and a JAG lawyer, will be deployed to Fallujah in August.
Bob Silverberg is a Barnstable resident, a Pacific combat veteran of WW II, and a member of Veterans for Peace.
* Directions: Just off the Mid-Cape Highway (Route 6), north of Exit 6 (the junction of Routes 6 and 132).