The rabid right wing is quite unhappy that innocent people have been exonerated by advances in DNA technology, so their reactionary response is not to improve the criminal justice system so innocent people do not wind up on death row. No, instead, their barbaric, morally and intellectually repugnant response is to try to shut off the federal courts to individuals seeking review of their death sentences. A federal court is often the last avenue of appeal for people who are on the brink of death's door not because they committed the crime but because they were the victim of monumental bad luck, police malfeasance and/or legal incompetence. This absolutely indefensible piece of refuse masquerading as legislation which extremist Republicans are pushing in the House and Senate needs stopped immediately since it would close off this last chance for review. If it passes Congress our courts will then officially have been transformed into toothless rubber stamp bodies, powerless to stop the most egregious miscarriage of justice imaginable, the execution of innocent people. So I recommend contacting each member of the respective judiciary committees and request that they halt this travesty now before it is too late.