This is my 1st LTTE, so I think it needs some tweaking. I tried to come off as an offended moderate since the Renton Reporter (of Renton WA where I will be sending this) could be considered, at best, a moderately conservative publishing.
Are my quotes ok? I've only got 350 words to work with and as it stands its at 333...so not a lot of room for major additions. Is my title too Ostentatious? I was really hoping to be more accurate about the Bush Administrations push for "moral integrity" etc. Is that an Agenda issue? Or am I thinking of the GOP in general? Anyone got a link to a quote? Is my quote at the end too terribely trite? All constructive criticism is welcome.
Thanks, -Kade
Crime and Punishment?
I am shocked and dismayed at the recent reports that Karl Rove, top political advisor to President Bush, is indeed connected to the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame. The testimony of New York Times Reporter Matt Cooper has made it clear that this man engaged in, at the very least, an inappropriate discussion concerning national security, and at worst, an act of treason by exposing an undercover CIA operative.
Perhaps even more disconcerting than Mr. Rove’s loose lips, is the lack of response from the Bush Administration since these reports were validated. It was made clear in the fall of 2003 by the President himself that if a leak had indeed occurred, and could be traced back to the White House, that any person connected would “be taken care of” (George W. Bush, Sept. 2003). Or as stated by Press Secretary, Scott McClellen, “if anyone in this administration was responsible for the leaking of classified information, they would no longer work in this administration.” (Scott McClellen, Oct. 2003).
So why haven’t we seen any action taken towards Karl Rove? Thus far the only explanation provided is that the White House doesn’t want to interfere with an ongoing investigation. I can understand that completely, these things take time to examine and many possibilities have to be considered. But in a case that casts doubt on someone so close to the President and the mishandling of sensitive information, would it not be prudent to at least suspend Mr. Rove’s security clearance until this matter has been resolved? Don’t President Bush’s own words concerning this issue demand that punitive action, in some form, be taken? For an Administration that has repeatedly touted itself as a champion of moral integrity, the lack of reaction sends a very disturbing message.
They say “if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.” Perhaps in this case it should be “don’t say the word fire, if you’re in bed with the liar.”