I just sent this off to cnn after watching the video on the front page. Of course, ChicaAzul & I used our rreal names on the e-mail. Still waiting to see if my kkkarl LTTE will be published, but in this VERY blue area of a VERY blue state, I'm sure it has considerable competition!
Mods, I am in he Activist Corps, but if I should have posted this elsewhere, please accept my apologies and feel free to move!
Regarding Ms. O'Brien's "interview with Ambasador Wilson this morning, we continue to be amazed by the rush of CNN "journalists" to out-fox Fox. We have had an appropriate regard of Ms. O'Brien's rather minimal reporting skills since her "Today Show" exhibit of open gushing over George W. Bush's flight suit photo-op and her praise of his ill advised "swagger".
We, as well as at least 49% of the electorate, have long since tired of CNN's unquestioning repetition of all talking points whenever the RNC feels the need to smear any adversary who tells the truth about this administration.
CNN's continued blind support of the current presidency may be one significant reason why thinking people are are abandoning cble news' method of "info-tainment" catapaulting of propaganda in droves.