restoring democracy in the U.S.A.: get rid of electronic voting machines, or, at the least, subject them to stringent auditing, and a paper ballot backup, and forbid secret, proprietary programming code!
I'll admit, my first thought on reading the above was: bipartisan, my ass! The electronic voting machine companies are owned and run by Bushites! --one of them (Diebold) by a Bush-Cheney campaign chair who promised to "deliver" Ohio to Bush-Cheney in 2004! I mean, come on! THIS *IS* A PARTISAN MATTER! *THEY* MADE IT PARTISAN! They could have created an honest voting system. *THEY* DIDN'T WANT ONE!!!
Bushites, counting all our votes in secret! My God, what has this country come to!
Then I calmed down. In truth, I strongly suspect that a rather large component of the votes that were stolen in 2004 were REPUBLICAN votes against Bush! Bushites, I don't care what they think--thugs, greedbags, bigots, traitors and "know-nothings," that's what they are. But Republicans who voted for Kerry, against Bush--that is another matter. These are folks with whom we could form a democracy.
And that's what we must do.
And don't wait for Bush's "pod people" in Congress to do something about it (har-har). They are the ones who gave us Diebold! It must be done at the state/local level, where the power over election systems still resides, and where ordinary people still have some say.
And we must do it NOW--before we get a whole new layer of Bush "pod people" in Congress in 2006, and another "pod" president in 2008.
("pod people" = mindless repetition of someone else's "talking points").
(i.e., "Invasion of the Body Snatchers.)
Great letter, Stevepol!