Why did the DNC not see to it that a person equal to the RNC's articulate (although lying and deceiving) Ken Mehlman was on Meet the Press this morning? (That is, on Sunday, July 17, 2005.)
John Podesta may have been Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff but he does not have Clinton's total-recall steel trap mind, which one needs to counter Ken Mehlman.
Mehlman is a liar, he twists facts, invents facts, repeats invented facts, but he has a brilliant mind.
Why didn't the DNC place someone with an equal mind on the Russert show? I honestly can't think of anyone in Democratic political circles equal to Mehlman. But how about Jon Stewart? He surely is a match mentally for Mehlman. How about Al Franken? Michael Moore? Here's one: Lewis Black.
Now it may not be true that the Democratic Party looks like it is intelligence-challenged. But name me someone who can instantly refute every one of Mehlman's invented facts for an actual fact and do it off-the-cuff, extempore and keep pace with Mehlman one-on-one.
Mehlman can control any panel, any debate he is on. Whether he pulls up fake facts or actual facts out of his total-recall memory banks or whether he changes the subject and goes on a campaign rant...he is a master.
WHY DON'T WE HAVE SOMEONE LIKE THAT? And if we do...where is he?
And failing being able to produce a political news show genius..why don't we publish an article the day after a Mehlman razzle-dazzle performance and call him on every lie, every twist, every one of his fast-talking deceptions? WHY?
Joy Tomme