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Tim Russert's Meet the Press

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joytomme Donating Member (62 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:33 PM
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Tim Russert's Meet the Press
Why did the DNC not see to it that a person equal to the RNC's articulate (although lying and deceiving) Ken Mehlman was on Meet the Press this morning? (That is, on Sunday, July 17, 2005.)

John Podesta may have been Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff but he does not have Clinton's total-recall steel trap mind, which one needs to counter Ken Mehlman.

Mehlman is a liar, he twists facts, invents facts, repeats invented facts, but he has a brilliant mind.

Why didn't the DNC place someone with an equal mind on the Russert show? I honestly can't think of anyone in Democratic political circles equal to Mehlman. But how about Jon Stewart? He surely is a match mentally for Mehlman. How about Al Franken? Michael Moore? Here's one: Lewis Black.

Now it may not be true that the Democratic Party looks like it is intelligence-challenged. But name me someone who can instantly refute every one of Mehlman's invented facts for an actual fact and do it off-the-cuff, extempore and keep pace with Mehlman one-on-one.

Mehlman can control any panel, any debate he is on. Whether he pulls up fake facts or actual facts out of his total-recall memory banks or whether he changes the subject and goes on a campaign rant...he is a master.

WHY DON'T WE HAVE SOMEONE LIKE THAT? And if we do...where is he?

And failing being able to produce a political news show genius..why don't we publish an article the day after a Mehlman razzle-dazzle performance and call him on every lie, every twist, every one of his fast-talking deceptions? WHY?

Joy Tomme
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Dr.Phool Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:35 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yeah, Lewis Black would be the guy!
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napi21 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:35 PM
Response to Original message
2. I think Podesta did a great job! Why aren't you satisfied?
I loved the comback when Mehlman said the Pubs would never demand resignations like these Dems are, and Podesta said "Wll you must have slept through the 90's then!"

I think he did just fine.
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joytomme Donating Member (62 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 02:12 PM
Response to Reply #2
7. I was not satisified with Podesta...
...because Mehlman said things like Rove had been totally exonerated (he hasn't been) that Wilson had been proven wrong about Iraq seeking yellowcake in Niger (Wilson was proven right, not wrong) and Podesta did not refute these lies.

You have to think very fast and jump on Mehlman. Podesta does not think fast and he didn't jump on Mehlman.

The point is: Howard Dean is not the guy to counter Mehlman because he's too hot-headed and doesn't think well on his feet. He is not coldly analytical. I like Howard Dean but he's not the guy to be on a panal with a guy like Mehlman. And neither is John Podesta.

Of course we can't bring out comedians (Jon Stewart, Lewis Black) or even Michael Moore to do battle with Ken Mehlman. But my point is, we do not have any politician in Mehlman's league. Podesta did not do the job. If he left me feeling frustrated that he had not answered Mehlman's lies...then he did not do a good job.

And guys...we have to have people who can refute the Repub lies at the time they are claimed as the truth. We have to have people as sharp as the Republican thugs. I didn't say we have to have thugs. I said we have to have sharp people. We HAVE TO because it's our political life that's at stake.

Joy Tomme
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SouthernDem2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:36 PM
Response to Original message
3. If comedians are the best we can do, we are doomed. /nt
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creeksneakers2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:39 PM
Response to Original message
4. I thought Podesta did very well
He kept bringing it back to the theme that the GOP is trying to attack its way out of trouble again. Mehlman made the point for him too.
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mitchtv Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:39 PM
Response to Original message
5. For one thing , Dean's leadership is not recognized
by the DLC and Pink Tutu crowd. The would rather blame Dems. like James Carville.
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smoogatz Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 12:48 PM
Response to Original message
6. Howard Dean.
Smartest guy in the party leadership, hands down. Has complete command of RNC talking points and how to refute them. Capable of inventing NEW DNC talking points on the spot. Absolutely unafraid of the reich-wing noise machine. Capable of turning Mehlman into a stuttering blob of Jell-o in two minutes flat.
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DURHAM D Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 03:35 PM
Response to Original message
8. I think Ken has to be recognized as one of the best "spinners"

As for why we can't put out better Dems for rebute - we just don't have enought lying sociopaths. eos
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joytomme Donating Member (62 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 03:55 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Rebutting Repugs
See...the thing isn't that you have to be a lying spinning piece of crap like Ken Mehlman to counter Ken Mehlman The thing is that the Dems have to have someone smart and bright enough to rebut a lying spinning piece of crap like Mehlman.



Joy Tomme
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NightOwwl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-17-05 10:44 PM
Response to Original message
10. We must have been watching a different Meet the Press...
because Mehlman looked like he was sh*tting his pants throughout the entire interview, and Podesta effectively neutralized every one of Mehlman's lies.

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joytomme Donating Member (62 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jul-18-05 08:21 AM
Response to Reply #10
11. I so wish you were right
But Podesta never said Rove has NO WAY been exonerated. Podesta did not say Mehlman had lied and that Wilson was right and has been proven right. Podesta did not call Mehlman on saying the Dems are smearing Rove. Podesta did not remind Mehlman that smearing and rushing to judgment is a Repug default position.

Podesta was polite and I admire that. But he should have politely countered each and every Mehlman lie and that he did not do.

Mehlman was a bully and ran the show, as always.

We don't need to be bullies, we do NOT need to lie and do dirty tricks. We need to be smart and call the Repugs everytime they do a fast shuffle and fudge facts. And we need to do it at the time they tell the lie, not days and weeks afterward.

Biden would have put Mehlman in his place. And God knows, I do not want Biden as my President, but he has facts at his fingertips and he loves a good contest. Podesta was not a good sparring partner...not his fault...he just doesn't doesn't respond with the old one-two!

Joy Tomme
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