Glad MoveOn, NARAL, NOW and others aren't going to roll over on this or "use it to Dems' political advantage." :eyes: Bush has nominated an extreme right-wing corporate lawyer and idealogue, John Roberts, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by key swing vote Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Roberts has been associated with some of the most fringe and extreme views of the Republican Party: that government must pay polluters to stop polluting, that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,” and that government should gag some doctors so they cannot even discuss abortion with their patients.
The Senate must not confirm right-wing corporate lawyer John Roberts to the Supreme Court..
Around the country, people will meet up and gather petition signatures opposing Roberts to demonstrate clear public opposition to this dangerous, extremist nomination. We'll also invite the media, to counter Republican spin and increase the pressure on our senators to reject Roberts.
Host your own Supreme Court Rapid Response Petition Drive or sign up for an event near you.