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my letter to my senators, and a couple of questions....

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mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-22-05 07:40 PM
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my letter to my senators, and a couple of questions....
Here's the text of the the letter I'm writing Barbara Boxer (heads up, senator, if you're reading this :-) ). The version for DiFi will contain an altogether different first paragraph in which I WILL restrain myself from saying "I told you so." I'm also going to send a perasonalized version to my house rep, and a shortened version as a LTTE. Any advice or comments will be appreciated.

Is it generally worthwhile sending letters like this to OTHER congress persons, and in particular senators outside my state? I would gladly invest the extra postage if they're likely to read it, or at least have it registered by their staff.

Dear Senator Boxer,

I’m writing to express my satisfaction with the outspoken positions you’ve recently taken on several important issues before the U.S. Senate, and to express my support for your efforts. I am exceedingly proud of your work on behalf of myself and my fellow Californians.

I’m also writing to urge you to become even more outspoken on the topic of ending the U.S. war against Iraq, to advocate a complete, unconditional, and immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from Iraq, and to demand an accounting for the criminal behavior of the Bush administration in promoting and pursuing that conflict. The war against Iraq is an illegal war of aggression. Every pair of American boots on the ground in Iraq is a war crime. Every hour that we remain there tarnishes our legacy further.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq was predicated upon lies put forth by the Bush administration– lies that we are all tiredly familiar with today. Lies about Iraq’s WMD programs, lies about Iraq’s connections with international terrorism, lies about Iraq’s intentions in the Middle East, lies about America’s role in Iraq’s past injustices, lies about the United Nations weapons inspections, lies about the provocations of the U.S. and its partners during the run up to war, and lies about the likely outcome of the war itself. During the months before the war, many Americans suspected that the administration was lying, that the intelligence was either disastrously faulty or was deliberately manipulated to influence public perceptions. That it was, in the most brutally honest terms, propaganda. The evidence now shows quite clearly that those suspicions were correct. In the coming months that evidence will continue mounting. History will not hide this, Senator.

The war against Iraq has cost Americans more than 182 billion dollars and will likely cost at least that much again if we stay this disastrous course. More important, it has cost the lives of over 1,800 American service men and women, and countless thousands of innocent Iraqis. It has maimed and irreparably harmed thousands more. To our eternal shame, not one of their deaths served any good purpose. Their lives were squandered for dubious and deceitful reasons. The war has shattered Iraq– once a stable and prosperous nation– and created a cycle of violence in the region that will only continue to grow as long as we maintain the occupation. The war is destroying our international esteem. No rationalization of past or future events can make those sacrifices– and those crimes– worthwhile. Every justification has been undermined.

It is time for Congress to provide the leadership necessary to end this shameful episode in American history. Congress helped to get us into this mess, but only strong Congressional leadership will get us out. I respectfully urge you to provide that leadership, on behalf of your constituents and all Americans, in a direct, unambiguous, and forthright manner.

Respectfully yours,
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liberalhistorian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jul-31-05 04:24 PM
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1. That's great, Mike!
Of course, one would expect nothing less coming from you! ;)

I think it would be better, though, to stick with CA senators and reps for now; most congress critters really don't pay any attention to letters from non-constituents, especially those not residing in their state.
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